ResinX Pinlines

I’ve been using ResinX to pinline lately. Works great. No need to lay down an epoxy cheater coat, the viscosity of the ResinX won’t bleed under the tape. You can pull the tape almost immediately and lay down your hotcoat shortly after.

I’ve experienced no epoxy separation over the pinlines (like what occurs over acrylic paint pins).

You can easily get that old school resin pin “bump” too.

Some tips for successful ResinX pinlines:

  1. Thin it out with 5% Xylene

  2. Mix only a dash of pigment in the resin, just enough to make it opaque

  3. Lay down a thin layer between the tape lines.

  4. Smooth out each section with finger (wearing gloves) immediately after laying down resin to make everything level.

  5. Work fast and pull tape before it hardens.

That’s how I do it… every pin gets better and better

Here’s a white ResinX pinline I did yesterday to cover the intersection of of the bamboo weave and bamboo glass. Maybe I’ll get around to hotcoating it today…probably not though.


sounds good. can you get ResinX through Greenlight?

Hey Greg,

Nah, we don’t distribute ResinX

You can get it directly from Matt. He’ll treat you right and answer any questions you have on his products.

Matt’s email is:


It’s da bomb as the kids say here

so is Matt’s support 24/7

and alot of things are happening behind the industry veil regarding its use.

you just need to understand it’s idiosyncracies and how to use it.

no different than understanding the difference between poly and epoxy

if you’re doing EPS compsans-witch or timbre-flex (as to not violate service marks)

then you understand why ResinX makes a big difference in the results you’ll get.

hotcoats are a dream…

plus theirs alot more stuff coming out.


if you’re doing EPS compsans-witch or timbre-flex (as to not violate service marks)

then you understand why ResinX makes a big difference in the results you’ll get.

What big difference are you seeing and why are you seeing it?

hyper flexible

maybe too flexible for a pure EPS

although BammBamm is doing along of EPS/ResinX boards for pro/semi pro riders

its structurally strong from dings, cracks and best of all buckles because of the flex support of the EPS

but it pressures because of it’s “softness”

seems like a perfect fit to compensate for the effects of the wood/Hd foam skin surrounding a typical peanut butter and jelly.

Definitely not as safe as peanut butter and jelly like they say epoxy is and its a little more sensitive to atmospheric conditions(ie humidity)

but hot coats end up looking like look like gloss coats and you don’t even use a brush to do them.

unlike epoxy it sets up real fast so you can work and finish fast

a little difficult to sand without a glass or two of “champagne”

won’t yellow under UV

and will burn a hole in your eyes from the bright whites if you use S cloth

what more would you want

other than the fact that most on a layman’s budget probably can’t afford the stuff

you can delute the stuff with xylene up to 50%(wood sealer) if needed most likely 5% for most cases

but it’s the extra zippy snap back you get from the combination of EPS, glass and the stuff that makes it a no brainer from composite skinned craft.

Of course RR has a nice flex resin themselves, but its still epoxy with all its epoxy quirks.

From an application basis

I think ResinX is the closest to a UV poly glassing experience one can get with epoxy-like protection.

just my take

bammbamm is the local expert on the stuff

there’s a bunch of folks on the mainland testing out the stuff as well.

Moonlight’s JP/Marlin helped inspire Matt to push forward.

If Aviso and the kiteboard guys are looking at it there’s a reason why…

same problem other types of deli sandwiches have…

Thank you for the reply! I’ve been looking at trying something different on this board and maybe I’ll give it a go.

Is there a website for ResinX? I am interested, but not enough that I want to take up any of Matt’s time. Just looking for some general info on the stuff. Ive read what I can find in the forums…

Never mind, just found it, but under construction currently.

Hey Durbs,

Just shoot Matt and email. He’ll get back to you promptly.


Hey Durbs, Brian is right you are not wasting my time. I want you to call so I can give you any info you need.

Brian and Bernie thanks for the props on the product.