I’ve been using ResinX to pinline lately. Works great. No need to lay down an epoxy cheater coat, the viscosity of the ResinX won’t bleed under the tape. You can pull the tape almost immediately and lay down your hotcoat shortly after.
I’ve experienced no epoxy separation over the pinlines (like what occurs over acrylic paint pins).
You can easily get that old school resin pin “bump” too.
Some tips for successful ResinX pinlines:
Thin it out with 5% Xylene
Mix only a dash of pigment in the resin, just enough to make it opaque
Lay down a thin layer between the tape lines.
Smooth out each section with finger (wearing gloves) immediately after laying down resin to make everything level.
Work fast and pull tape before it hardens.
That’s how I do it… every pin gets better and better
Here’s a white ResinX pinline I did yesterday to cover the intersection of of the bamboo weave and bamboo glass. Maybe I’ll get around to hotcoating it today…probably not though.