restoring an old board - add leash plug, or no?

I'm restoring an old Catri shortboard - just patching all the dings, cleaning up the fluster cluck repairs someone attempted, rebuilding the broken tail, and re-gloss coating.  Too small for me to ride, gonna put it up for sale when I'm finished.  Question is - should I add a leash plug while I'm at it, or is that considered poor form?  (the board as I got it had a leash attached to a hole in the fin)

(I had asked this question in another thread, but didn't get any replies, and I'm at the point I need to decide, so that's why I gave it a new thread with the question in the title)

Thanks for any replies / insights!


This is a good learning experience and a good thing  with regard to restoration, which is a topic that is not often spoken of on this forum..           If you think you or someone else may ride this board for nostalic reasons;  A leash plug/attachment is appropriate.  The one I always used on a board that was valuable or that I had restored was the O'Fishl.  Glued on with five minute epoxy.  When you are done with it either take a heat gun to it to loosen it up to be pried off or grind it off.

You can also try the EZ Plug that Surf Co. makes, just stick it on and boom. I don’t know what their strength is but for a couple of bucks might be worth a try.

You plan to sell the board not surf the board. Leash plug is extra work. Leash plug will not increase classic value.

Tell the buyer that you will install a leash loop through the fin box for an extra fee....30-50 bucks???


mini leash plugs cost about 2 bucks...take about 5 min to install and 5 min to sand...let customer know their options....

I say no leash plug on that board.....But money talks....I just installed a mini plug on a mid 70's board......I needed the money...Guy did not care about classic value......



Ray's right.  I had forgotten about a drill-thru.  That's the best way to go for the least noticeable.  Are you going to try to re-do the fin?

Hey Huck, why not a leash loop of roving? It would be true to the vintage and surfable.

I think the stick on one is the way to go

I vote for the ''drill thru'' method.     Easy to do, adds no significant weight, and looks clean.

I vote for surfing it leashless.  Mike


If it didn't come with a leash attachment / plug then it should be kept to it's original form. But then again, now days alot of folks don't take that into account, don't understand what may be sentimental value to one person may not take that same value for another person to appriciate. I'm old school anyway and don't use a leash UNLESS, it's crowded or that I may loose my board and have it come to the beach, wash up and perhaps injure someone. Haven't used a leash at Hanalei in years, and certainly haven't forgotten how to swim for my surfboard either.


I would let the buyer choose if he wants a leash plug or not. Once you put it in you can’t take it out.   The purchaser can simply take it to some professional ding repair and get a leash plug put in if needed.