Restoring Classic Surfboard -- NEED HELP !!!

Hey I have a Oceanside “The 70’s” surfboard that my grandpop gave me. The only thing is, is that I need a fin to ride it. Can anyone help me find a place that sells old surfboard fins. The guy at the shop in NJ told me they no longer make the fins for this board. So I need someone or someplace to find some, any ideas would be greatly appeciated so I can get this board back to orignal. Thanks Fella’s !

My 10 cents worth: If it has an old style wave set fin box and you just want to ride it, you can fill the fin box with foam, glass over it and glass on a new fin. This way when you find the right fin, which might take years, you can grind down the imposter fin and glass pick out the foam and use the original fin and box. -Jay

Easier than the foam, fill, and grind routine is to find a fin that you like and use clear silicone calking to set it in. run a bead in the bottom of the box set the fin in and tape it from each rail to the fin tip so that it stands vertically in the box, then fill around it with the silicone completely up to the top (you can tape the box off if you’d like to keep it neat). Let it cure over night - it should remain a little bit flexible - and you have a very solid temporary fin-holder. It should last for months if done well. If you do find the right fin for the box later - then you just give it a trim around the fin with a razor and pull the fin out of the silicone. The silicone can usually be pulled out of the box with out much trouble and the box and board remain unaltered. This works great - I’ve done it. Just give the fin a check if you bump the bottom in the surf to be sure that you havn’t bumped it hard enough to losen the fin. This method is in the archives here too. EJ

Check some of the back posts, I’m sure there are some of the fin makers that are making wave set fins. It is going to cost you just about the same for a new remake or a old one. I have seen them on ebay, go for $100 or so. I think you should just wait and go with the right fin right off. From what my son is telling me there is not a lot of surf in your area right now anyway. Good luck. Try this link. It took awhile and a few dollars and some slight sanding, but I got a Greenough-4 W.A.V.E. Set fin for one of my oldies. And No messin with molds!!

70"s Oceanside from “Grandpop”?Man I feel old. R.B.

Call Bill Bahne at fins unlimited-760-753-0255 he might be able to steer you in the right direction. I recently attended a surfoard collectors meet, and there was a guy there that was selling new wave set fins. They weren’t cheap.