result from ebay "balsa wood surfboard" search


I guess someone finally figured out how to solve the water intrusion problem of balsa compsand skins…

“Seaclones are made using the latest technology from Australia”

hmmm… I wonder what that is…

and at $298.95 at that with a $199 shipping fee?…tem#ebayphotohosting

should’ve been properly labeled “falsa” or “Wood-like Design”

still its one heck of a airbrusher…

Hey Onuela, they’ve got to be good, right? They’re Hawaiian Sleds! Yeah!

Does that make you want to puke or what?

Do you get the feeling the person who listed that is not an English speaker? Neither does he have an English dictionary nor a spell checker on his computer.

“Everybody is taken care off.”

“Beginners and scholls”

“Buy it with confindence”

“Overwelming looks”

“Urethane leash for safe surf tranning” Huh?

“Made by well paid surfers, not sacrified chinese workers” Well paid?

But what the hell. We can excuse him for his third grade spelling. Me? I’m going to order the “Instant Surfer” kit and a “Team Member” hat! How much more core can you get???

the sickest part is that they actually have a “Hawaiian Sleds” dealer rep here in Hawaii…

eventhough they spelled “kauai” wrong too…

power of the 'net I guess

I’ll get it the red tape from Big Save.

that stuf is sooooo good.

My friend taped his bicycle tube with dat stuff

and til today it still is going strong I TELL…

this is the new way to spell atooi

it just spontaneously changes

every so often.

some day soon all the good guys will have red tape boads.

way back it was weldwood .

ah the smell of weldwood drying in the sun…

the same formalgahide

as the fun parlor.

…ambrose …

I got ta get somadat tape

the hand on my cool gage is dropping back.

Hey Lilibel.

I am the owner of Hawaiian Sleds. sorry for my english is so bad…I can speak my native language much better then I speak english, how many languages do you actually speak? I feel sad that you wanna puk on my dandy little board… We build then with a lot of pride to people beginning and with a little money so they can owe something nice to surf on, not puk on them. In fact we made because americans with a perfect english as you, are puking into their owe top of the line surf industry with very pukable chinesse junk made by sacrfied chinesse workers (I know because I was there and saw!) to sell weekend cooks to go out and ground the oceans and parking lots. Honestly my board aint the best in the world but I try to make them the better everyday I can possible make. Why my brand Hawaiian Sleds make you think we are from Hawaii? it’s like Italian Pizza. so pizzas in New York are all a puk pie? So tell honestly, did you end up buying a cheap china Sled on ebay?

What’s “puk” and is that real balsa or vinyl stick on?