Retro is in

Retro may have it’s cool moments and good roots in this sport, but you guys would be bummed if every shortboarder in this world traded in their stick and got a 9’6" single fin. Could you imagine how many waves a 100lbs kid could catch on a 9"6" All these folks sitting right next to you instead of 15 yards inside spinning their wheels for scraps. 1st point malibu the retro capitial of the world and the biggest 405 freeway logjam that ever existed on a head high day. The only guy who smiles out there on everywave is a shortboarder. Alan Sarlo, takes off deep rides it to the beach and not a single drop in. The rest of the crew is a free for all drop in fest. I don’t see the love out there. It’s just as aggro as huntington beach with the slash and tear bunch. Surfing is for everybody and there is good and bad in every aspect of surfing even the pros serve a great purpose showing what is capable on the cutting edge with a piece of foam wrapped in fiberglass. Rasta is right. P.S. My dad and his friends laugh at guys skinning it when it’s cold out just for retro sake. He did it because their was no choice. If you would of handed him a 2001 seamsealed superstretch 50 years ago they would of fought to see who got to wear it .

It looks like everyone is yearning for the good ol’ surfer days. Retro > style longboards, clothing, and surfer transportation is back. Retro fever > seems to be hitting lots of the guys who are over 30. It’s a cool > blast-from-the-past life style. I hope it never fades away! There is some hot surfing by JoeL Tudor, Rob Machado and others in the film “Shelter”. I was rather amazed at the things Machado did on such retro 70’s looking single fins.

bj,>>> Sorry about that… not to make excuses, but I guess when your vocation > feels like your avocation, then the combined passions of play and work are > difficult not to share. I`ll try and keep a tighter lid on it.>>> Dale Why apologize Dale? If you are anywhere near in the quality of your mat, that you are in the way you juxtapose words and thoughts - how well you write, man your product is great!!! Keep on guy. Don’t ever apologize for what makes the absolute most sense - and by far was nothing blatantly commercial or pushy - but rather enlightened thoughts with a product to help!

Grant say, “Progress good, but appreciate and never throw out things > that work” Could someone tell me what NM means in these threads? I click and get another thread, but not a message.Forgive my stupidity folks but what is it?

Why apologize Dale? If you are anywhere near in the quality of your mat, > that you are in the way you juxtapose words and thoughts - how well you > write, man your product is great!!! Keep on guy. Don’t ever apologize for > what makes the absolute most sense - and by far was nothing blatantly > commercial or pushy - but rather enlightened thoughts with a product to > help! Hey, Nail, Many thanks for the encouraging words… and I assure you, my surfmats work far better than my syntax does! It`s so cool to see a message like yours flash onto the Swaylocks screen at this time of night! Dale

I think it means “No Message” or “Never Mind”. If there’s no text in the message, NM pops up so that you don’t have to waste time clicking on the message.

It is generated by the software this site runs on. As ajl points out it is to keep someone from opening an empty post or thread. Good if you just want to make a quick and easy reply that is contained in the Subject line. TS