"Retrofit" SUP carry "handle" on a surfboard?

Hi everyone, I am wondering if is possible to “retrofit” one of those small indented boxes often seen on the deck of a SUP and used as a grip/ carry handle. Can this be put onto a regular surfboard without screwing up the glass job or compromising the strength of the board? ( I would definitely have a pro do it, not attempt it myself.) My favorite board to ride at Rincon and C-Street is a 7’10" Andreini Vaquero, glassed with Volan. It is pretty heavy but has great momentum and float. Walking down the trail to the beach I use my trusty Linda Benson Rail Grabber, then hide it under a rock till it’s time to walk back up. But it’s impractical to use the Rail Grabber on the long walks back up the point to the lineup. For years I would carry my board on top of my head supported with one hand, but as I get older that is causing me some neck and shoulder pain. The SUP handle seems the simplest solution, but I am open to other ideas. Thanks in advance! I could take the board anyplace in So Cal that would do a quality job and keep the board in good shape.

if your board has a stringer, just install the handle off centre, flush with the side of the stringer, that shouldn’t weaken anything?

oh, and make sure you find the balance point with fin/fins attached, and leg rope if used. Nothing worse than handle in the wrong spot.





I often put handles in boards for guys who have to carry longboards far , the best I have found so far are the FCS sup handles available at FGH they are about 2 in deep , you can put them in the center of the board but if the board is thick enuf they work better out toward the rail , it gives you more control when carrying the board ,

Just starting to longboard and man those beasts are heavy and wide, esp the old ones. A shortboards weighs nothing by comparison.

For long walks I was thinking of putting a training wheel at the back so I’m only holding the front up and I don’t have to keep swapping arms. Someone’s prolly already thought of it.

I would think any glasser who installs fin boxes and leash plugs could do the job.

if you use a long enough leash, you can loop it around the nose and fashion a shoulder strap with it

you can put a route in handle no worries - you may find yourself steping into it

you could use one with stick-on anchors although you probably dont want to lay on one of those

I did it and it helps.

check out surfco’s



I am putting them in just about everything I shape latley.  I have short arms, and a long enough carry in windy conditions.  Handles make everything easier!

After molding my own for a SUP I built, I tried the FCS type and they were OK.  More recently I tried an order for the kind with the undercut finger grip from China via AliBaba or Aliexpress or something like that.  The order arrived quickly and the product is A-OK.

As mentioned, they are installed pretty much exactly like a finbox… route a hole, mix up some epoxy slurry/bog and glue it in.  Grind off excess, ‘cap’ it with a patch and you’re good to go.

I’ve put 'em in everything from 29" wide bellyboards to full on SUPs.  No problems.

Thanks, John.  Is the pic the one you molded?

all the best

Been planning the same. If you instal an FCS handle to a longboard, is there a possibility that you stick your toes in it and hurt them as you walk the board? Can it feel annoying under your feet? Any expererience?

There has to be a better way without putting holes in your boards. Thinking something along the lines of a guitar strap.

I put them in all my boards that are big. I found you want them on the toe edge about 4" from the rail. It keeps your toes away from the holes and keeps your arm straight while walking (saves muscles). Toe edge makes it easiest to grab as you come out at the shore.