Request For Information (RFI): Big-wave Tow-in Surfboard Design
Does anyone posting on Swaylocks build or has built, or is up-to-date on the design of big-wave tow-in boards? If so and if you’re so inclined, I would be interested in current trends, and especially some particulars -i.e dimensions, etc. regarding:
- templates
- tails
- rockers
- rails
- construction
- weighting, in particular, what is used, how it's used, where its placed or distributed
- fin systems, including design, construction, placement
Reverse ‘shape’ engineering from photos is possible, but unlikely successful, as it’s rare to find a complete set of pictures of any one given board. But even if you could get the shape right you may not even be halfway there, for in the design of these beasts, the ‘non-visual’ parameters are truly critical - can make or break a good board. Which of course is true for any surfboard, but the ‘whys’ of design of these boards are somewhat unique.
If the kind of information I’m asking for is proprietary, than so be it – actually, so be it in general, whatever the response.
Why do I want this information? I simply want to know how the design of these boards fits in with my understanding of design of surfboards in general - the inquiry is not driven by commercial need or interest.
Added Question
Also, if anyone knows, aside from the physiological effects of an adrenaline rush, are their other physiological complaints e.g. ‘shit my legs hurt’ - now commonly associated with big-wave tow-in board riding.