Hello Everyone here at Swaylocks,
I have gone through the archives looking for information and opinions on different blanks, but all of the threads seem to be 10-15+ years old, blank manufacturers have upped their game during this time, so I thought that I would start a new thread to ask on opinions and experiences of modern blank manufacturers.
I am particularly interested in Rhyno Foam opinions because I am thinking about looking into getting a container full from them, but I cant seem to find many up to date opinions/reviews from general board builders. Anyone used it recently? Any opinions on colour/colour stability/ hardness/ weight/ general snapping resistance? Experiences and opinions most greatly appreciated.
I always use US Blanks as the benchmark, but they are difficult to get hold of where I am, the recent ones that I have gotten hold of are the newer US Blanks 2.0 Formula, and I have to say that they really have upped their game with this new formula, so well done to them, to me it seems notably stronger and lighter than previous- seems much more resistant to pressure dings and board snaps.
I have also recently been using some millennium when I can get my hands on it, It always seems to be the whitest/brightest, generally I like the foam, but (where I am) I cant get hold of any with stringers thicker than 1/8, I always like to use 3/16 stringers for shortboards to increase snap resistance. One negative that I have found is that the stringer grains seem to change direction on many blanks which can make the last stringer pass a bit of a pain , especially on funbboard blanks which do have thicker stringers.
Surfblanks - shaped a fair few of them, good strong foam, and shaped well, personally i didnt find the hardness of the foam difficult to hadshape like I have rerad online about people saying that the hardness made it harder to handshape. I found it good lightweight foam with nice, easy to work with stringers, the whiteness and colour stability after some months of use I didnt find quite as good as some of the other manufacturers.
Arctic - never shaped an Arctic Blank, Never heard anything negative about them from people that have shaped with them
There are some newer kids on the block as well like Allblanks, Leaf Blanks, Superblanks. I dont have any experience with any of these.
Please if you have any experience/ opinions on modern blanks, please drop in on this thread so we can keep updated about whats currently out there.