Rice Paper

I heard that if you use rice paper and print a logo onto it from a printer it works great, is this pretty standard or should I look towards something else to put a logo on my board? Thanks in advance! - Brandon

Brandon, The rice paper in the printer works fine if you have a good printer. When you print out a logo, first rub resin on a test logo to make sure the ink won’t bleed. Getting logos professionally done is pretty cheap. The initial cost will include the screen or screens for multiple colors. Additional logos will be really cheap because you already have the screens.

Brandon,>>> The rice paper in the printer works fine if you have a good printer. When > you print out a logo, first rub resin on a test logo to make sure the ink > won’t bleed. Getting logos professionally done is pretty cheap. The > initial cost will include the screen or screens for multiple colors. > Additional logos will be really cheap because you already have the > screens. Where can I get them done and can you give me an estimate??

Where do you live?

Where do you live? Santa Cruz, CA

Santa Cruz, CA Just a word of advise… computer print logos look faint. Especially if you have color (black isn’t as bad) but they tend to give your board a cheap look. Set up costs for screens depend on how many colors and some guys have misc differnt fees. Mine are two colors and runs $75 for set up and $.80-1.00 a sheet and I get 6 logos on a sheet. They look way better than computer printed ones. good luck

Just a word of advise… computer print logos look faint. Especially if > you have color (black isn’t as bad) but they tend to give your board a > cheap look. Set up costs for screens depend on how many colors and some > guys have misc differnt fees. Mine are two colors and runs $75 for set up > and $.80-1.00 a sheet and I get 6 logos on a sheet. They look way better > than computer printed ones. good luck Ryan where can I get this setup and sheets printed?? In other words what type of store??

Ryan where can I get this setup and sheets printed?? In other words what > type of store?? I am not familiar with the area where you live. But you can look in the phone book under screen printing. But the best way to find someone good is call a local shaper or glasser and ask them who makes their laminates. You’ll be surprised how much info you’ll get. You can even ask surf shops who have shop boards with their logos. good luck

brandon-- in santa cruz, go see ross at fiberglass santa cruz. he’ll print whatever logo you have on rice paper from his computer. it’s like $2.00 a sheet. otherwise, if you want something more professional looking, see tim ward. go to www.wardartstudios.com. he’s the man in santa cruz. good luck. --kirk santa cruz, ca