Rick Stoner Noserider Shape & Dimensions

This is the first time I’ve tried this forum. Hey I’m desperate to see & know about the rare mysterious vintage RICK Noserider shape that all the old guys talk about. Does anyone have one? Can you send photos of it? Outline dimensions? Let me see it? Tell me all about it? Please share your knowledge about this rare bird in surfing history. neptoon also a old guy

Hi TR, I obtained a Rick Noserider down here in Australia about 6 months ago. I have wanted one for a long time as the modern log shape I have ridden for nearly 10 years is based off an original rick noserider - deep concave in the nose, rolled bottom, round 50/50 rails, kicked tail rocker and a scooped deck in the tail. I have heard that there were a number of shapers shaping for Rick in the 60s so they are all different. Interestingly the board is a lot more narrow than my usual noseriders, mine measures approx. 9'10" x 22 1/2 x 17 1/2 inch nose x 15 1/2 inch tail x 3 1/4 thick. The board noserides like a dream, one of the best (if not the best) noserider/s i've ever ridden. A Bing lightweight doesn't compare.  I'll try to upload some pics soon. All the best in finding one.


What you are describing sounds like a UFO.  Most boards of that era were under 23 inches by the way.

I think the UFO came after the noserider. The ufos I've seen don't have any concave in the nose, but a large stepdeck. They do share a similiar scooped tail though. I've ridden both and much prefer the noserider, although I do like the flex and 'swing' the stepdeck creates. I should also clarify that when I said that a bing lightweight doesn't compare I was purely talking about noseriding capabilities (and I've only ridden one lightweight).


Interesting that Gene Cooper, shaper of Cooperfish surfboards stated that a Rick Noserider was his favourite board of all time. You can see the influence in the 'Device' models.



Finally got round to taking a few pics

That is a nice board. Not sure I would call it a RICK noserider but, still looks like something I would like non the less. Thanks for the photos, neptoon

Wow, that board looks identical to my Nuuhiwa noserider.


That one looks late and very much a copy of the nuuhiwa NR. There’s a earlier model befour the full on thin’d out NR’s of the late 60s.

Are we talking late 65 early 66 when fins were just starting to getting more of a modern sweep on them. I have one at my storage I’ll have to dig it out and take some photos of it. Mines pritty big if I remember like 10’4 or something but not that uncommon for the era.

Stay tuned. I havnt thought about that board in awhile it will be fun to drag it out


Yes. The Rick Noserider was around well before the UFO came along. Two very different designs.

The one in the photos above looks quite a bit like a Bing Nuuhiwa. I would agree that it is a later one as far as Ricks go.

Would love to see some pics of some others, especially any fin photos as the fin on mine is not original. Generally speaking were the fins used on Rick Noseriders pretty similiar to a Nuuhiwa noserider fin?

Another look at these pics makes me realize the similarity to Bing’s noserider, even more. The stringer is very similar to a Nuuhiwa, too.

This is a scan of a Rick ad from early 1966. A good year before the UFO was introduced.

I haven’t found any other images of the Rick Noserider. Shortly after it debuted, Rick was touting other models in their ads. Mainly, the BK and Dru Harrison models, along with the UFO.

Am I missing something? I’m not sure why you are saying the board jimnsw posted ppics of isn’t a rick noserider. It has the rick noserider model logo on the deck.


Yup. Sure looks that way to me.