rick stoner

hello do you have any information about rick stoner. is he in life?? i have in france a board shape by him. merci for answers.

Rick Stoner passed away in the 70,s,but his son is picked up the planer and has brouhgt back the Rick label his boards look great classic longboards.Hes in So.Cal. in the Southbay area call LongboardsOnly in Hermosa.

Malheruesement, je n’ai aucune idée à propos de cela. Cependant, voire un(e) français(e) ici, c’est rare - mais c’est une bonne surprise. Où êtes-vous, là bas, en France, et comment est-ce-que vous avez trouvé ce site ? Veuillez excuser mes fautes grammaticales, cela fait longtems depuis que j’ai utilisé le français. Salut.

ah !i live in paris (france) i found the site by a forum on french surf site do you see the photos off the big french waves??? go on www.surf-report.com. c’est ok pour les fautes pas de problemes. mahalo a hui hou http://www.surf-report.com

I’m the one who told Stef about Swaylocks. As a “swayhaolic” I really appreciate the enlightning threads of this forum and was sure someone would help him out. Pierre

May I have directions to Stoner’s Point? I hope to make a trip down there this summmer. What swell direction does it work best on? Thanks. -GH

a big south should do it-have fun!

is this the photographer rick stoner or am i thinking of someone else

I think the Stoner youre thinking of is Ron Stoner. He hasnt been heard of since I think the 70s and presumed dead. He took lots of classic shots during the 60s.

I have a 7’1 Rick pintail from early 70’s shaped by Becker.

To contact Jeff Stoner call (310)373-1216 and the aforementioned shop is Just Longboards. http://www.ancientartsurfboards.com

non non it’s a rick stoner board i have. longboard classic 10’ ,big wood single fin. he’s not a photographer or a painter just a shaper! have a longboard day a+ stef http://www.surf-report.com

Boy it sure sounds like there were a lot of Stoners around back in the 60’s I was there and I just don’t remember.

bagman, I was there also in that era. I think there are a lot of reason’s why we can’t remember. Today my memory is much better. Do brain cells regenerate. "Flash back’s are a bitch !!!

Holy cow. Photographic proof of French Bravery. Who Knew.

you mean “freedom bravery”…ehehehee