O, and Ben Aipa.
Honorable mentions: Pat Curren. TOM CURREN. Greg Noll. Mickey Munoz. Maurice Cole. Bob McTavish. Mike Diffenderfer.
Who are the most influential surfers who shaped and rode their own boards? Simon Anderson without a doubt. Twenty years ago He came up with an board that 80% of the world still rides today. In '81 he proved that board would work in all sizes of waves by winning at Narabeen and Bells in surf that ranged from 3ft to 18 ft.
Who are the most influential surfers who shaped and rode their own boards? Hap Jacobs too!
Not to mention the Pipeline Masters. Good on ya Simon!
Ok Dale thats a great one lets see just a few?? Starting in 70’s Sam Hawk, > Gerry Lopez, Reno, BK, Owl ( My Hero ), Ben Aipa, Wayne L, Terry F, Larry > B, MR,… 80’s ??? Hell I’m still lost in the 70’s… I was just > thinking how many there is… I’ll leave the 80’s for the kids to say…>>> Long live the underground… So if Kelly Slater had been shaping his own boards all along, does that mean he might have become an even better surfer?
So if Kelly Slater had been shaping his own boards all along, does that > mean he might have become an even better surfer? Who knows but had he been a shaper and as good a surfer as he is he would have made history… Like Simon As far as your question goes Yes… He would have been a star even if he rode surftech’s… We all know it the surfer that makes the board work…
I can’t believe no one mentioned HOBIE freakin’ ALTER!!!