Rip Curl trying to hold Search Contest at Lennox Point.

Just found out the other day…faaaaaaarrrrkk.

Blokes I have been speaking to are horrified…

I’ve been on the phone to the council and written to the paper…the fight commences.

Fuck, one circus per year is plenty for around here.

And just when we thought the surfing reserve meant something.

Rip Curl, if you are reading this…you are walking into a shitstorm if you think people want a pro contest at Lennox Point.


i think thats a pretty boring idea. i mean, you dont really have to “search” for long to find out about lennox, right? they shout just look for a really remote kinda place and dont tell anyone ever where it is. fly the pros and the judges in, maybe one or two media guys and thats it. that would be much more interesting, even for the pros i guess. a search event at lennox, damn thats weak. come on rip curl, you can do better…

hey lennox76, i met a guy from around lennox in france 2 years ago, his names micheal,, hes a tall blond (used to be black) haired bloke and worked at a local surf school. hes about 23 right know, i heard that hes working in tahiti on a ship somewhere. does that sound familiar? if yes, slap him for not staying in touch. haha.

good luck!


they should call it the ripcurl search and destroy

No search involved in looking out the window of your car as you drive past.

What are they thinking?

Send them to “Ours”.

Let us know the best place to protest this choice Steve.

they should try bondi next.

Just found out the other day....faaaaaaarrrrkk.

Blokes I have been speaking to are horrified…

I’ve been on the phone to the council and written to the paper…the fight commences.

Fuck, one circus per year is plenty for around here.

And just when we thought the surfing reserve meant something.

Rip Curl, if you are reading this…you are walking into a shitstorm if you think people want a pro contest at Lennox Point.


do you think you own lennox, lennox?

sorry about this but…

I think it’s not that bad of an idea.

The bonus is that everyone already knows lennox is a good spot.

Look at “La Jolla”: used to be a dream wave that not many knew about; now, reports are that it’s a zoo.

By holding “the search” in an already well-known spot, other - more secret or undiscovered - spots remain that way for a little while.

Hey lennox,i feel for ya mate!!Just another example of a corporate freakshow!!F@#$%n wankers,comes to mind,these wankers won’t give up until they have exposed every spot,i think if given the chance,they’d expose their grandma’s privates!!

Hey Shifty, don’t know whether you are taking the piss or not but when you see the massive infrastructure and impact that a full-scale pro contest has a on a spot and then look at the small village that is Lennox you realise it is totally unsuitable.

I think cops on jetskis patrolling the water keeping recreational surfers out of the lineup classifies much as more as trying to “own the spot”…

As far as Lennox being a well known spot already , yes that is true, but the difference in crowding and functionality between it and the Superbank which has total contest hype and media saturation is immense, despite the fact they are only about a hundred miles apart.

Couple of days ago when the surf was pumping , there were 15-40 guys out at any one time at Lennox Point all day.

I’d describe that as a light-moderate crowd…everyone got a few waves, hardly saw any dropping in, everyone came out with a smile on their face, including travelling surfers passing through.

Contrast that with the madness everytime the Superbank breaks, or Trestles, or Pipeline and you will see why we don’t want a full-scale pro contest here…

It will take Lennox from being a culturally significant Aussie surf icon to a dysfunctional shitfight where the only people who benefit are the pros and the shareholders of Rip Curl.


…and it makes a total mockery of their marketing of “the Search”

Hey Shifty, don't know whether you are taking the piss or not but when you see the massive infrastructure and impact that a full-scale pro contest has a on a spot and then look at the small village that is Lennox you realise it is totally unsuitable.

I think cops on jetskis patrolling the water keeping recreational surfers out of the lineup classifies much as more as trying to “own the spot”…

As far as Lennox being a well known spot already , yes that is true, but the difference in crowding and functionality between it and the Superbank which has total contest hype and media saturation is immense, despite the fact they are only about a hundred miles apart.

Couple of days ago when the surf was pumping , there were 15-40 guys out at any one time at Lennox Point all day.

I’d describe that as a light-moderate crowd…everyone got a few waves, hardly saw any dropping in, everyone came out with a smile on their face, including travelling surfers passing through.

Contrast that with the madness everytime the Superbank breaks, or Trestles, or Pipeline and you will see why we don’t want a full-scale pro contest here…

It will take Lennox from being a culturally significant Aussie surf icon to a dysfunctional shitfight where the only people who benefit are the pros and the shareholders of Rip Curl.


…and it makes a total mockery of their marketing of “the Search”


the only reason the stupor bank had 10,000 guys out is because its right in the city. people are just too lazy to drive 100 clicks down the road one day to find un crowded waves. do you think when people see the pro circus have a comp there, all of a sudden there all gunna drive down there every weekend?

its just not gunna happen.

i surfed bells a couple of weeks ago by myself for an hour. after that 2 other guys came out for half an hour or so. it was fun too. 3 foot with the odd bigger one. granted that doesn’t happen all the time, but i do often surf it with 5 or 7 or 8 other guys out.

we have a comp here. its called the rip curl pro. happens every easter.

hell, you may have even watched it a couple of times.

it does get quite crowded here at times. 1 am putting that down to the fact that the town has doubled in size in the last 12 years. not the fact that the pro’s surf here once a year.

a friend of mine lives down the coast from here. not sure if you know it but its about 150 clicks down the road. he often has trouble finding people to go surfing with. and there quality waves too. same reason. people are sheep. most just cant be stuffed driving down the road an hour to find a nice quiet spot.

if its “the search” comp your referring to, isn’t that the revolving comp? or are you saying there gunna have it at lennox every year? cos i just dont see one, one off comp really having that much of an effect.

sorry, just my opinion…

The rumors I have heard from a friend who works for Ripcurl USA was Western Oz, its been a month or so since I talked to him. He may be out of the loop and I am sure the guys in Australia will make the final call. I just sent him a text to see if he can find out for sure. I feel for you, as I would not want a WCT contest at my home break, but my homebreak sucks so I don’t have to worry about it.

Their first choice was Gnaraloo in North west WA…that got skittled by strong community opposition…

then they considered Raglan…don’t know the story there but I imagine it was the same scenario.

Now they are trying to hoist it onto us…

this could be a PR disaster for Rip Curl if they continue in the face of community opposition.


Rip curl should go to china for the seach contest… put some money back into marketing surfing over there… there is waves there. just need a 3 -4 week window swell window instead… make the pros eat chinese food for a month and go without mull and crack…

Steve, let me tell you something Mate, you DO NOT want a contest at your home beach, ok so I’m getting some free coronas, bloody hell, you should see accross the road from my place today, the contest is on at D bar, could’nt get another car in the place, the traffic, the whole thing, there’s a rock concert coming soon as well, everyone who lives here should get free beer for a year. These ct contests are huge events, good luck, H.

there would be blood spilled in rags

it would be on the rag

anyway rip curl can get stuffed

burn the tent sink the ski

I’ll have to bring my own interpretation of corporate surfing imagery to the contest.]


hey steve as a resident ratepayer of noosa from 1964 to 2000

i can gaurantee you want thes pricks like a hole in the head

noosas woes came not from the surfers but the ontorage hangers on get rich quick merchents

dykes pofs spivs needi go on

the noosa that i new was hyped out of existence this was the old noosa all around that boat has been totaly built out

from my house i could walk down the beach & over the headland to ti tree have a surf leave my board up in a pandanis tree come back next tide

and the board would be there try that to day tell them to piss off

Just an Update…George and Brocky are disgusted by this proposal by Rip Curl and are throwing their weight behind the campaign to stop it.

Letters have been written by to the paper.

I have a letter written to Claw Warbrick (founder Of Rip Curl) and as soon as I can get his E-mail I will send it to him.

That would be a good start for anyone who wanted to get on board and help out.

It’s come to light that Rip Curl have offered to pay for "improvements " to Lennox Headland and there are allegations of payments as well. Given the climate of corrupt councils doing backroom sweetheart deals at the moment in NSW this could look very bad for Rip Curl if it comes out in the open.

Corruption doesn’t play well to an image of a core brand with a soulful retro image.


PM if you are interested in writing to Claw.

steve,what does the local indigenous peole think about the Comp?

Maurice, I very much doubt whether they have been consulted but I will find out…at this stage there have been no official announcements from Rip Curl but a phone call to council confirmed they have lodged an official expression of interest.

The whole backdoor way they are going about this has a very bad smell about it.
