RIP - "Rex" 4 Nov 96 - 22 Sep 07

Rex the wonderdog got bored on Saturday, squeezed through a 4" gap in the fence, dug under another fence, then dug under a gate to go for a wander.

He was hit by a neighbour’s car and died instantly, I can’t explain how much this hurts me and my girls.

My heart is broken. I can’t stop crying. We’ll miss him forever…

Wow, what a bummer Hicksy. I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my best friend a year and a half ago. He was also hit by a car but survived, only to have a stroke which paralyzed him later. I miss him tremedously and know just what your going through. The pain slowly fades, but the memory doesn’t really. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family…

R.I.P. Rex


Rex the wonderdog got bored on Saturday, squeezed through a 4" gap in the fence, dug under another fence, then dug under a gate to go for a wander.

He was hit by a neighbour’s car and died instantly, I can’t explain how much this hurts me and my girls.

My heart is broken. I can’t stop crying. We’ll miss him forever…

Sorry to hear about it. I know it hurts. I lost my 17 year old bulldog and our min pin within a month of each other. One disappeared and the other died of old age.

Thoughts are with you,


rest in peace rex you will never be forgotton. rex was a beautiful soul i’m sorry for your loss.

I’m really sorry to hear about that Grant. Rex was obviously a well cared for and very much loved member of your family. He was lucky to have lived with you. Take care. Eric

That’s a loss unlike any other, isn’t it. I’m sorry, Grant. I always liked his Swaylocks appearances.

Looks like he was a people person.

Hicksy, i’m not sure this helps you, but it helped me.

I find comfort in knowing that I gave him the best life he could ever hope for and then some. No one could have loved him or been more proud of him than me. When I think back I’ll think of how much he effected my personality. How proud I was to introduce him to new people. How I treated him as one of the boys. But then he was. His love was unconditional. Rain or shine it didn’t matter. He had no bad days. He lived to be a good boy. And that he was. He influenced many souls. Brightened them even. He made them all laugh. You were blessed with him as he was with you. Don’t forget him. It’s the best honor you can bestow upon him. Thanks for the pics. He was a champ. !!

Bummer, I always likes hearing how he lent a paw to you an chips and ya boards building exploits, real shame.

Sorry for your loss, Hicksy. Dogs are indeed special animals. Let me pass along this Native American legend.

The Creator realized it was time to seperate Man from the other creatures of the world. He gathered every living thing together,

with Man on one side and the all Animals on the other. A chasm in the ground began to open between them, widening by the second.

Just before the gap became too big, Dog ran and jumped across to be with Man. And so it has been ever since.



Sorry to hear of your loss… Some of us are granted something that special once in our lifetime that becomes a strong part of our family structure…I hope the special memories that you and your family have experienced with Rex will help you through the healing process.

Very sorry, Hicksy. I know how it feels. Dogs are special animals. We have 5 and every one enriches our lives. The hard part is we almost always outlive them. Mike

Sorry for your loss, Hicksy. I’m sure that Rex is now playing with my Kip (german shepperd, brightened my life for 14 years) and my wonderful Föehn (Beauce shepperd, wonderful friend for twelve more years). All of them will be the first to greet us when we make it over there.


I’m so very sorry for you and your family. We recently lost our Pug “Yoda” of fourteen years and it is a very difficult situation to deal with, especially when children are involved. Just know that time will lessen the pain and keep remembering all the great times you had with him.




Really sorry to hear about Rex. Our dog Gilmour went to doggie heaven yesterday and my oldest daughter was just devastated. We got him just before she was born. She had time to say goodbye but it sucks no matter how you look at it.

Hang in there mate.



Sorry to hear about that loss hicksy


a very sad day indeed my friend

i feel privileged to have met him for two years


having him standing underneath the planer ,

covered in foam dust ,


LOVING it [to quote maxwell]

the 2am "up pops the head from a cobweb-covered corner of the garage used to scare the crap out of me [but also , of course , amused me no end …especially when he got stuck in a cardboardboard box and i would have to go free him

one word for rex …


He was definately a great part[icipant]  of swaylocks , in my mind ! 
