Rocker/concave on a noserider

I’m ordering a new noserider. It will be 10’2" long, 19-1/4 nose, 23-1/4 mid, 16 tail, 3-1/4 thick, 50/50 rails all the way. I know it should have a little tail rocker and a slight vee but I don’t know what to do with the nose rocker and concave. What is the difference in performance between: A) slight nose rocker with a shallow but long concave (41") and B) none or very little nose rocker with a deep and long concave. I’m trying to design the best noserider I can. Turning is secondary.

depending on how steep the drops are at the spot you are riding, you probably will want a little nose rocker. especially sense it is so long. i dont think the litte amount of nose rocher in it will slow down such a large board. i vote put in some slight nose rocker, definately with some concave in it dj

Flat Nose + kicked tail=great noserider, ask Mr. Phillips and I hope he will agree, otherwise I been goin at it all wrong for over a decade.