Hello everyone. First of all, I would like to thank you in advance for the attention and possible help

I made some editions of 2 images in order to simplify what I wanna to show to you.

It’s something about the rocker planing area

In my last designs I noticed that , in consequence of rocker measures and bottom contours, we can have different “rail rocker”.

If we have more concave before the wide point, and less rocker (comparing same distance between 2 points, taking the wp as reference), we have more lift at the back of the board, and that creates a planing area which sits before the WP. 

In the other hand, if we have litlle concave and a lower rocker after the wide point  (comparing to rocker before the wide point) we should have a planing area placed forward on the board.

My question and doubt is: What does the location of the rail rocker planing area can affect someone’s surf (considering two boards with same tail and nose rocker, but with different bottom contours and different rocker along the board) ? 

Possible answers:

  1. Maybe the balance point of the board will follow the planing area of the rail rocker… If the planing area is forward, the BP will be forward too. If the planing area is backwards, the BP will follow ot.

  2. Maybe the forward planing area will generate more speed and less manouverability (good for front-footed surfers). In the contrary, backward planing area will push more water (less sped) but will turn easily (good for rear-footed surfers)


Anyway, I don’t know if I was perfectly clear with my question. But any help would be the most welcome here!!!


Thanks everyone and good waves!


*correction(images): I meant “planing” area instead of planning. 




From the pics, it looks to me like…

The board on the bottom, the rocker apex is pushed forward.

It has a more relaxed entry rocker and an accelerated tail rocker.

Board on top is the opposite.

Although, the 2" of tail rocker also looks greater on the bottom board vs the top board so, I’m not really sure if your pics are square.

I get what you are thinking. It would be clearer if you called the planing area the area of flattest rocker.

I agree.

Yes, exaclty that… planing area = flattest rocker. 


Maybe in the lower diagram you are moving the “sweet spot” forward?

Yes, I think so…



I felt like Huck and Bill (Thrailkill) at first, but Everysurfer is right if you look closely at the pictures.  

Chrisp is also right if you look at the one deck line it isn’t square, but for sake of discussion it’s fine.


Maybe this will help answer your rocker question:


Everysurfer modestly declined to recommend his posts on designing rocker by combining arcs of different radius. It’s a different way of thinking about rocker but highlights rocker through the centre of the board. What happens when you stick complex bottom contours though it is another issue entirely.