rocker profiles....

i was recently browsing the Harbour Surfboards lineup, and the recent discussion with Rich about rocker measurements got me thinkin’…

how did the rocker profiles differ between a 60s-style cruiser like the “Nineteen” and a step deck like the “Cheater”?

i’d figure the step deck had more kick in the nose that would then flex down, but how much more? unfortunately, i missed this awesome time in surfing because i wasn’t born yet, but if anyone who was actually there could give me some insight, that’d be great.

One of my riders brought me a Cheaterthat he had for years to have me redo one for him. When I was checking the rocker of the deck and dropped in a profile stick from one of the Evolution guns that I do, it flowed in perfect from about 8" back from the nose flip. Good rockers never go out of style!