Im in the process of making my first board. Ive managed to cut it out using my template, skim the hard layer of foam of the outer bottom and top and then sand it smooth so its in a reasonable state.
Im wondering how much rocker to put in the board? Its 6'8", fairly wide at 21" and about 2 3/4" thickness. Ive tried to give it a decent width and thickness as i wanted good buoyancy. The board will be used in fairly slow and sometimes slightly messy waves (i go to saunton sands, uk) - what sort of rocker should i be looking to?
If it’s one of those USBlanks from Seabase I wouldn’t worry about altering the rocker in the blank. I shaped a 7ft one last year and did nothing to the rocker, it works peachy at Saunton, and everywhere else I’ve used it. Certainly for shaping your first board I’d leave as is.
Hey Jase is that the same for most of the US Blank rockers? I want to try the 6’3 eric arakawa model but my shaping skills aren’t progressed enough to start messing with the rocker comfortably. the one i want to buy is this one and i’m not sure if thats too much nose rocker already for uk waves? thanks if you can help
As far as I’m aware you can order those blanks with a neutral rocker or -/+ rocker, though personally I’ve always gone with the neutral.
For your first don’t worry, most blanks these days and certainly the US one are quite high tolerance and really dont need much shapping in terms of rocker.
My bias - add some flip in the first foot of the nose. Good for chop and drop. Add a little kick in tail @ 1/4 length. Good for adding a little snap to turns, even in mush/weak waves. Nice and very near flat from kick to about 1/3 way from nose.