
Are you out there…???..

Was wondering what happened to you delivering my paddleboard to Kawika…It’s been months…???..

Anyone with any info or suggestions, please help…

Maybe FCS got to him first! Remember the bounty on his identity?

RokLob, my most sincere appologies...
I just checked the e-mail that "surfinghigh" sent me and on the 'from' line it said "Rocklobster", thus I mistakenly called on you...
Again, I was lazy and should have read it through, but it's been kind of an accelerated trip I'm on...
Not an excuse, just my way of explaining how your 'name' came up... 

Now, has anyone seen or heard from **SURFINGHIGH**...???...or a 24' paddleboard...???...


I know nutink about what you speak.

Paul, sorry but I seriously do not have clue what you are talking about.

Anyone else out there who can help Paul, I think he has lost a paddle board and that is hard to lose.

I know the Posse at FCS is after my ass for asking too many questions, not for steeelin!

Trust me , I’m a doctor of Rocklobstetrics.

Here’s to looking up you.


Thanks for your apology and it is graciously accepted.

The world would be a better place if people faced their mistakes as honestly as you.

Karma is on your side and all Swaylockers should pull together (hey, get your mind above your waist you evil thinkers…although it could be fun) and help find your paddle board.


I made the same mistake, Rocklobster! It’s “Surfinghigh” that we were trying to get ahold of. He uses as his e-mail, so therein lies the confusion on Sways.


This is a bit freaky that I had no idea I had been thought of as involved in something I know noyhing about.

Thanks for helping clear this up and I now understand the PM you sent me and now know that my reply was the truth.

Hope you catch up with this impersonator for all our sakes.

As for me, I ain’t no Surfinghigh, as I say, I can,t even get off the ground.

Rocky-the guilty- Lobster

Bring…The Lobster…Out!


Yep I agree, let’s get this lowlife and expose "the Lobster’ for who he is, a snivelling lowlife stinkin crustacean

Speaking of stinkin crusts…I was once asked by an Aussie what I did for a crust ? (a job or work in Aussie speak)

I said that’s simple, i just don’t change my underwear for a week !!!

Boom Boom Geez I can be soo funny when I want.

Sorry, Solo, my great funny side just took over.

Back to that lobster …HANG ON, THATS ME, hey what sort of dirty game and trickery is going on here?

Time to go back under my rock and go SOLO


Hey Rocky…you do know where the line came from don’t you? Ha ha.


Work with me here, help me out, enlighten me, or just tell me.

AHH, must be Crusty Demons??? or that old gay porn flick, Lust for Crust.

I give up.


Bam bam bam on the door. One guy looks to the other and says, " get a rope " bam bam bam on the door and the other demands, " Bring…the lobster…out!! or were coming in after him.


Geez that explains the call from me mom the other night.

She is sittin knittin (nuttin knew), and hears this bangin on the door.

Then someone hollers, “Bring the Lobster out”.

Now Mom has always been a good cook and lobster, no surprise, is her specialty.

So thinkin, it’s the good ‘ol boys from down the street after a feed, she brings out her latest experimental lobster dish,and opens the door.’

Mom opens the door and is confronted with ugly mob al wearin hooded KKK outfits with FCS P2 POSS’E in big letters and CRACKEN GOOD PLUGSRUS, underneath.

The leader looks at Mom’s plate of Lobster growls, is that the Lobster we been hot on the trail fer?

Mom says, yep it sure is, it’s my new recipe. The mob go wild, whoopin and hollerin, they finally got that lowlife who dared to question their power.

By this time the mob were in such a frenzie they forget about any hangin an just start tearing the Lobster, feeler by feeler to bits and eatin it shell and all.

Me Mom treid to tell them to display better eatin manners (she was always on us kids about that), but they just were in a feedin frenzie.

Within a minute or so they all web bright red and started sceamin, holdin their throats, eyes pissin water beegin for water.

Mom calls out, whats the matter boys? I thought you liked hot and this is my new tripple chilli recipe soaked in Tabasco.

Most of the mob had passed out on the front lawn while other ran down the road lookin like they were on fire.

Mom said, “Arr ya just a mob of wimps, That was my mild Lobster, the good 'ol boys like it twice as hot”. She slammed the door and went back to knittin.

So children, the Lobster escapes again, and FCS is recruiting new members for the P3 (Posse no. three). Off to bed now and we will hear more about the adventures of the Lobster next time, goodnight.


Hey rocky, im starting to think you don’t like fcs. Just some subtle hints in your posts. Am i right?

Might be time to put this nonsense to bed as well.


You a one sharp beer lover to pick that up, I thought I was being so subtle.

The issue, that has been twisted into all sorts of allegations, I have with FCS is the lurk the site rarely ever helping or answering problems about their product aand them try to gain free adverting by pushing stuff like the Fusion system on us all and then refuse to answer the very questions that they invite.

To cover up the questions and avoid answering them, they create a campaign terror and defamation against me or anyone who dares to hold them accountable. Starting their their recent “bounty on Rocklobster” campaign is a clear indication of their mindset that no one has the right to question them.

So Beerfan, if I have a dislike, it is founded in what has gone down. Started it and I am playing along. I just don’t play by FCS rules, that’s all. No big deal, just a game of cat and mouse that may reveal some important truths to the industry that could benefit you and your customers. To that end I have nothing but admiration for the likes of Pro Box Larry, a man living his product.
