Rockwell 653C versa-Plane question

I picked up a Rockwell 653C versa-Plane last night for $140. My friend bought it in Ottawa and flew it to Nova Scotia when he came home for a wedding. It’s a little beat up but the blade is mint. Does anyone know if the 653 and the 653C are the exact same model (the C is for the canadian market I assume)? I am also wondering if it is possible to order a replacement belt. I know the blades are no longer made but can you still buy the belts or a substitute that will do the trick?.


This is a dumb question but for a right handed person what side of the T handle do people hack off so you can tuck fingers around it and access the depth controls on the fly? The Non-belt side?


I’ve also attached a picture of what I have been using up to this point. A sears craftsman planer I found.

It is looks like a  “normal” 653. Belts are out here I always have to hunt em down. Sad thing is “new” belts last a very short time original ones last years. Brushes can be hard to find. The 653 unmodified will not be to easy to use.

A loose floppy shoe is the way to go…

I am right handed

I’m right handed and this is a pic of my planer in the middle of fabricating a dust chute, hope this helps.


Hi Trevorn -

I followed Ace's lead and modified mine in the same way but couldn't figure out if he was right or left handed at the time.  I ended up winging it and cut the LEFT side of T-handle like Tom did.

I also cut the base short.

I used a hack saw and files to get the handle smooth.  It is a good 'three finger grip' for me and allows me to use my thumb and index finger to manipulate the depth lever.

PS - To preserve your spiral cutter, take a tip from Jim Phillips and buy a cheap Harbor Freight or similar planer for cutting away stringer glue.  Once you get rid of that stuff, your 653 cutter should last a long time cutting foam and skinny strips of wood.


Trevorn, if you go to: you will see they have all the parts you need with exploded view diagrams that are downloadable. The Rockwell can be found under the Porter Cable name. This is a great site for A LOT of tool parts.

I just checked and the link you are directed to isn't the site but if you type it in yourself it goes to the proper site. WTFO??

The only thing I’ve done to my 653 is loosen the nut on the depth adjustment so I can cut of the fly.  It’s a beast, but too nice a tool to cut up.  I use it to shape all my boards with the exception of the deck side nose scoop.  I use a orbital sander for that, hand planes,  and a sanding block.  If I had a beater for 150 I would modify it.  I’m not a pro like ACE or as skilled as johnmellor so take it for what it’s worth.  Mike