Routing OVER future flange

Has anyone had success routing over a future flange? This board was shaped as a twin+trailer with the front fins set 10" up from the tail. I’m looking to route in another set of side boxes 8" up and 1 1/2" in so I can get a little more traction and drop the trailer. Doing this would have the new boxes partially set over the old ones. I’m thinking strength wise it’ll work but may be harder to accomplish than I think. Just wondering if anyone has attempted this before. 

Here’s a pic of what it would look like

Not saying it wouldn’t work, but this is what I did when I converted an old quad into a twin/single…

Huck did some extensive work routing out those plugs and made it look great. I’ve never done it but if you choose to leave the the old ones in there I don’t see why you couldn’t cut into the boxes, just go slow.

This pic is with your numbers (rear boxes are toed in like rear quads) things might change a bit depending on your tail shape and the toe of the boxes. You might get lucky if the flange of the new box doesn’t overlap the fin slot of the new box creating a big void to fill. Throw some boxes on there upside down on your measurements and see how it sits.

When you patch over the box you might even be able to retain the use of the old boxes. The patch would have to stop at the edge of the fin slot partially on one side though, not sure how much strength that will take away with big twin fins in there.

Between a Stanley Knife and a Router; try to remove the box in one piece.  Then route out foam to install a piece of foam the way Huck did.  You’ll be better served following his procedure.  In the future if you are uncertain of placement on a new board;  use FCS Plugs.  Easier to place add-ons and remove.

Thanks for the advice guys!