onto my 6th board and wont to experiment with routing out the box before the hot coat, ive been told thats how they do it with fcs plugs, is this a bad idea or should i just go for it ??
onto my 6th board and wont to experiment with routing out the box before the hot coat, ive been told thats how they do it with fcs plugs, is this a bad idea or should i just go for it ??
just make sure your the tape the box up good or you will be sitting their with a screwdriver and hammer chizzling out resin.
Hey Zackoopman,
Not sure what kind of box you are putting in. I’m in the states and the fin boxes I use are the standard bahne box. It comes with the ridges in place so that when you set the box you have a little barrier so the resin doesn’t spill in. The ridges therefore have to be sanded down after the box sets. I have had the best luck routing the hole after hot coat (with no sanding of the hotcoat before I route). The reason I like this is because when I get to sanding the box down I have a little extra resin there as I sand it down because the box requires a heavier grade sandpaper (60-80 grit) if I accidently catch some of the glass I have plenty there to still clean up. Also I start with 320 grit for the hotcoat sanding and trying to cover up 80 grit marks is a pain and thins down the hoatcoat to much.
Hope that helps
Its much easier to put the box in after hotcoating. That’s the way it should be done; perhaps after you do it your way you can post why, the way I mentioned is better.
Its a bad idea because you will get routed foam and stringer dust all over your tacky lam job. you will have to tape around the hole so that white or black resin does not spill into the weave of the lam job. not smart. fcs plugs go in after the hotcoat too. I believe there are some center sngle fin boxes that can be installed before the lam, but I have not used them
Like g-rat said, it goes in afer the hotcoat and before the sanding. If the box has tabs that span the hole, you’ll never sand off the tabs… they’ll be there after sanding because they’re “under” the hotcoat. Sand off the tabs, and you’ve sanded the hotcoat right off and you’ll be hitting the weave.
hmmmm ok sounds like a terrible idea, will just stick to the normal way.