Roy's gone commercial!

The September 2007 article of GPS World magazine states:

“A surfboard under development by Lenart Studios has built-in GPS and LCD, reports The Surf Radio board gives surfers up-to-date information on their location, rip currents, and building swells, and will also double as a walkie-talkie for chatting with fellow surfers. The board features an integrated sensor that can detect if a rider has wiped out too harshly, triggering the internal communications system to send out an emergency beacon with the exact location.”

Sound like our own Roy Stewart has gone commercial. Soon, every guy who makes it back to the lineup can brag (with electronically verifiable authority) “I went 29.27 miles per hour on that last one and traveled 287.6 yards!”

But the damn things would be going off like fireworks any decent day in the Country between November and February.

Check the link at—Heard-mdash-September-2007/ArticleStandard/Article/detail/452329

The board features an integrated sensor that can detect if a rider has wiped out too harshly, triggering the internal communications system to send out an emergency beacon with the exact location.

I like that part.


The September 2007 article of GPS World magazine states:

“A surfboard under development by Lenart Studios has built-in GPS and LCD, reports The Surf Radio board gives surfers up-to-date information on their location, rip currents, and building swells, and will also double as a walkie-talkie for chatting with fellow surfers. The board features an integrated sensor that can detect if a rider has wiped out too harshly, triggering the internal communications system to send out an emergency beacon with the exact location.”

I suspect that a more correct statement would be that…“The board features an integrated sensor that can detect if the board has wiped out too harshly…” (probably sensed with an accelerometer)

This would be a great one for shapers!

The board sending out a message:

“Ï’m broken! Start shaping…”

No more suprises


I suspect that a more correct statement would be that…“The board features an integrated sensor that can detect if the board has wiped out too harshly…” (probably sensed with an accelerometer)

Mabay it could detect how may times you’ve bailed your board or dropped in on people and send out a kook alert to every one else in the line up.

or maybe kooky kooks should realize surfing has some dangers and as long as you arn’t popping airs it is safer than fishing.

Yer alot of people take for granted how dangerous fishing can be, espesially on your own from rocks or cliffs, more people die from fishing each year over here than any other sport, but usually its fisherman endangering themselves not others.

In my experince in surfing more injuries are caused by other people, which is why beginners need to learn to not or at least look behind them before bailing a board, not to surf directly in front or behind other and not to drop in on people. Basic stuff. Everyone should learn surf etiquete, and the do’s and don’t of safe surfing, but not every one does or understands or realises the risks involved.

Personally, if someone looks like they’re the type that could bail thier board into my face then I tend to give them a wide birth and leave them to it, If they are being particualy dangerous to others through a lack of education, a friendly word of advise may be in order.

when did this become a forum rule, and who made you an admin?

I can take a guess,

I wonder how the board is going, any news? Hope your doing well and working hard where ever you are?

BTW - I think impersonating another member and posting comments that would show that person in a bad light is pretty low, unless it’s done in good humour and that doesn’t always translate so well over the internet, I’m sure the real Bill would see the funny side given the past history between him and Roy.

Shaped by Axel Lorentz, not sure if its got GPS but it looks fast : )