I know this is a total newbie question, and I’m assuming these numbers are referring to the MIXED amount of resin/hardner/AdditiveF and not JUST “resin only” amounts…Thought it’d be better to just make sure before I lam this thing tonight! Planning on mixing up about 35oz. of RR(total amount of resin/hardner/AdditiveF, mixed) for the bottom(single 60z. layer) for a 9’6" with a solid resin tint. Sound about right?
6’ and under - 9 -12 oz. bottom 12-15oz. deck
7’ and under - 12 -15oz bottom 15-18 oz. deck (Epoxy beginners should add a couple ounces to these numbers). 8’ and under - 18 - 21 oz bottom 21- 24 oz. deck
i have found that laminating with RR Epoxy that i use 2.5 x the length of the board for the bottom, than 3 x the length +next interval of 3 for the top. but it also depends on shapes and such.
So you’re saying that for something like a 9’0", you would use around 23-24oz? I was wondering if that amount is MIXED or RESIN ONLY…? Thanks. Also, you’re site says “All of our surfboards are made from Polyurethane/Polyester materials”…I’m assuming you are referring to RR epoxy resin in your comment to me though, right?
Its really simple, unless your retaaded. It a 2-1 ratio, so 24oz. resin to 12oz. hardener. if your maths that bad, i feel for you. That way you come out with 36oz. then add a splash of additive f, which will thin the stuff some, mix for at least 2 minutes vigorously, and lam. Don’t leave the stuff in the bucket too long or you’ll have a problem; if you get it out of the bucket you’ll have plenty of time to lam it up, and if your careful, plenty of resin.
I understand the RATIO ghettorat. My question was, are the numbers provided the numbers for MIXED ration or just resin? For instance when Greg, or someone else states that they use 12oz. for a deck, is that 12oz. of just resin(in which you would then add 6oz. of hardner) or is that 12oz. of MIXED MATERIAL. Some of us were not born with this knowledge, like yourself. Relax.
Yes, the numbers are for MIXED resin+hardener (ie if it says 12oz, use 8oz resin + 4oz hardener). In my experience (not much) I tend to use closer to the bottom end of that range.
I’ll sedond what Paul says. Leohr gives total amounts and I too find that I can get by a the lower end of that range. Also, if I hotcoat in two shots, one “cheater” coat squeegeed on, lightly sanded, and then a second coat brushed on, I can get by with significantly less than what Greg recommends.
I try really hard to keep things really simple. Clear resin. Shortboard or fish. 10 oz resin + 5 oz hardener = 15 oz total... Depending on board thickness and width I should have some resin left over at the end and very little resin on the floor. 1/2 cap full of F or no F doesn't matter for total mix amount. Using 1 layer of 6oz cloth.
So if I can do a 6 footer with 15 oz I can do a 12 footer with ???? OK wider and thicker...blah blah blah.
35oz for a 9 something is too much...but there's a learning curve and you are torn between painting and tint/pigment and cut laps ect........
and the greatest thing about glassing with clear RR is you can mix 21oz now...find out you need a little more and just mix up a little more and keep going.
The baseline we use at the Low Tech Lab is 15oz of resin for a shortboard or fish with 1 layer of 6oz cloth. That's just a starting point.....................Ray
Now I’m no pro but I’m having great success with the epoxy boards I’ve done and last night put the bottom on a 6’9" eps mini mal 2’1/2" wide and real full nose and wide squash (hope you’ll understand size of lam from that). I spackled the blank so it doesnt soak up quite so much. I glassed it 6oz (yes overkill with epoxy but it’s for a beginner and I want durability). I weighed out 500ml of resin - 17.636 980 975 ounce then added the hardener. Now I don’t mind a bit of waste as I’m a part time builder and dont worry too much about profit. I ended up with a tiny amount in my bucket. I had a bit of a dribble ‘ring’ on the floor. I could easily have gone with less but like I said I,m not too concerned about wasting a little - certainly not at the expense of running out part way through the lam. The epoxy boards I’ve made to date have been light and incredibly durable.
Hope this helps a little - if you are a production guy then you’ll probably whince at the amounts but if you’re like me…then dont be too shy when youre pouring it out.
Rich www.thirdshade.com
Although hans is definitely correct (check out RR’s website if you don’t believe him), 2:1 by weight will get you by just fine. I always do it and haven’t ever had a problem–knock wood–even with small amounts like in leash plugs. Have yet to see one pop!
Resin Research is 2:1 by volume. Metric or Imperial or whatever. Liters ,ml, oz, gallons....cups , pints....metric tons.
I'm sure ThirdShade knows what he's doing but maybe we need to do a little edit......."I weighed out 500ml of resin - 17.636 980 975 ounce then added the hardener" ....ml is volume. If you weigh your resin you need to use grams. or KG.
And then we have the scale guy with a 100:45 ratio.....that's pretty close to 2:1. (unless you are mixing metric tons)
Fun city.................I still surf 3-4 times a week.... Ray......ready for a Holiday!
Actually, in the US we sell and measure liquids using ounces, cups, pints, quarts and gallons – units of volume. I typically drink 12-oz bottles of beer.
Depending on the densities of resin and hardener, 100:45 by weight may be the same as 2:1 by volume (oz).
Been a while since I watched it. But I believe Greg Loehr’s video says 2:1 by volume.
Edit: while we don’t use metrics, my 12-oz beers taste fine. My mixing ratios work fine using oz too.
When talking about glassfibre weave, for example 6oz glass, you guys mean ounce/yard^2 as in weight/area ? So here oz is ounce weight? Or am I wrong here?