Run down of the bonzer fin system

Im torn on what im really looking for in my next board. I’ve been juggling the idea of a single fin with quad plugs for some variation and my utilitarian mindset. Also tossing around the idea of a bonzer but I have no idea what to expect from a board like that. Hoping someone who knows much about the fundamentals of a bonzer can give some insight on the differences between a bonzer (3 or 5 fin) vs a standard single fin on a relatively similar outline

I surf relatively normal waves in Oregon, not very punchy but not mushy either (that is what the log is for) Looking for a different board for shoulder to double over that I can trim and glide on, than step back to the tail and plant a few hard turns.

…imagine that single in steroids…
Go with 5Bonzer that s an “updated” version of the other.
If you ride fat waves you would not see any advantage.

Length and outline play into it. Putting a Bonzer set up on on a board doesn’t make an otherwise single fin, quad or thruster suddenly a “magic” board. My personal opinion of Bonzers is that they are way overrated and sentimental retros. Poor directional change compared to most everything else. And only work relatively well on specific outlines and lengths. I Surf Oregon myself. Yes you’ll look cool with one under your arm walking down the trail to Short Sands, but that doesn’t necessarily translate to better surfing. Lowel

Hence why I mentioned 2 boards with the same outline. I understand outline and what not are very important, so I guess it was kind of a generic question on what to expect in the difference the way a board surfs. Im not looking to look cool, if I was ide go buy a lost and channel island that is way to small for me and surf it on mushy days at shorties. I am realistic in the boards I surf for my skill level, and enjoy the feeling of a single fin compared to thrusters. I also don’t surf shorties. Ever. Central/south coast strictly unless the cove is going off in the fall months. But there are plenty of breaks just as good, well away from the aggro locals and portland hipsters.

Why not have Dave Town make a high quality thick foiled single fin for you. He’s on this forum, and is in BEND, so fairly close to you. A thick, properly foiled fin, does wonders for single fin board performance. Trust me on this point.

You’re missing some good days up there. At least it peels… It’s easy for people who can surf to get waves at a place where most people can’t. But otherwise as I said “Length and Outline”. Obviously they Surf different than a single. They are usually fast. Climb and drop well. Tube ride well etc. A Single Fin does all of the above to some degree or another, and changes direction much better. But as I said they’re cool looking and get lots off attention. Lowel

" Poor directional change compared to most everything else. "
Yes, but there were work arounds.

As someone else said a proper 5 fin Bonzer is like a single fin on steroids. One of the better combos is a 5 fin set up on an egg shape. A nice well foiled egg really comes alive with the 5 fin Bonzer set up. With a Bonzer, fin placement is critical. If you are doing a home build make sure you get a good source for fin placement. I would also suggest doing side plugs for the 4 Bonzer side fins That way you get to see for your self how you like the board asa bonzer or a single fin.