After looking at the latest surfers journal I noticed the rusty javelin. as this is the style of board I like and I need a new one I will shape one like it . I usually go wide point about middle to 4" behinde but this one is forward . as I haven’t had one this way before how far forward for a 7’2x20. Im guessing 4" but I can be wrong. It will be double concave to spiral vee . The wide point bit is my main dilema.
It really doesn’t look very far ahead from the pic… 4" seems about right.
hahahah Rusty Javelin, I thought you were talking about something else
ie jeez I wouldn’t mind getting one away…me javelins getting a bit rusty…
.ah never mind.
yeh me too, thort it was an old beater American Motors vehicle.
Maybe a bit like the greasy stick. Any way what are the benifits of widepoint forward ???