Rusty sandpaper

I buy all my sand paper in sleeves. Leave the paper in the sleeve and cut out just enough of the package to remove the paper. Keep the unused paper in the sleeve and in your sand paper storage unit. This protects  the sandpaper from damage and keeps the paper from curling up on the corners. Most of my paper not in a sleeve is stored grit down. I do not use sissors to cut sandpaper unless I have to make a sanding disc. Fold your paper and tear it into 1/2 or 1/3 or whatever size you need…put the un needed paper back into the storage box… sand your ding or deck or fin. When done sanding or switching to a finer grit look at your sand paper. Good used paper goes on top of the sleeve it came out of. Bad worn out paper goes into the trash. I never dig through a cardboard box full of used sand paper. Hope that helps…we can also get into folding and tearing paper, sanding blocks and why they are a certian size…
