Rusty sells out, or not,1,6360496.story?coll=la-headlines-business&ctrack=1&cset=true


The founder of the Rusty brand, one of the nation’s most popular surf wear labels in the late 1990s, has sold controlling interest to a company that was licensed to make products under the same name in Australia.

As part of the deal, Rusty Preisendorfer has claimed worldwide rights in perpetuity to continue making surfboards under the brand he founded 21 years ago.

“I will now focus on the roots of the brand I founded and look forward to exploring a bright future for Rusty Surfboards, especially with all the exciting technological options for manufacturing surfboards in the market at the moment,” Preisendorfer, 53, said in a statement

So he sells off his softgoods line to concentrate on making surfboards… Swaylock’s Inspired? A shift in the surfing cosmos?

Something happening here…

So he sells off his softgoods line to concentrate on making surfboards… Swaylock’s Inspired? A shift in the surfing cosmos?

Something happening here…

Maybe he’s just stoked that there’s a rapid tech evolution going on and he wants to play in it. If you were in his shoes, wouldn’t you? Soft goods are great for the bottom line but its pretty friggin dull for a gearhead eh…

Looks like Matt Biolas started another trend.

Lol about Matt Biolos . . .

well its bound to happen to Rusty. I thought once Al did it, then maybe Rusty either: 1) stay core and run with the no sell outs till I die or 4 life tip or 2) follow suit and sell.

Regardless Rusty will shape and sell his boards like Velzy did, a handshaped shortboard for 3k or something. And someone will buy it.

that something is millions of dollars for a clothing line that still has his name on it that he doesn’t have to lay any cash out for, but still get credit in the eyes of the average joe surfer wanna be in in east bumbleville. Rusty isn’t he anti backyard any way?


that something is millions of dollars for a clothing line that still has his name on it that he doesn’t have to lay any cash out for, but still get credit in the eyes of the average joe surfer wanna be in in east bumbleville. Rusty isn’t he anti backyard any way?

Contrast the approach Al Merrick took - selling his empire - vs. Rusty selling off the softgoods line so he could concentrate on making boards with whatever technology he so chooses.

From what scraps of info I trust I believe that CI is a bigger operation with wider distribution, making an orderly transition to retirement important to customers and employees…I consider taking that into account to be a sign of responsible planning regardless of where the decision takes it, although that’s also an important issue.

Rusty sold off the profitable “money for nothing” aspect of the surf industry to concentrate on what we seem to acknowledge as the lower margin board making. Nothing was mentioned at this point about shipping this aspect off overseas, but time will tell. At the outset here what he did seems pretty “core”, if that term actually has any meaning anymore.

Of course what others do with their own businesses is their business, but the rest of us have every right to ponder the significance and ramifications…and there is significance and are ramifications.

The August 2006 issue of Men’s Journal, a popular outdoorsey magazine in the U.S., has an article on paddleboarding. The first paragraph ends like this: “The sport, which dates back to ancient Hawaiian kings who paddled 12-to-18-foot wooden craft for both transport and competition, has become a popular way to cross-train and offers an antidote to surfing’s increasing commercialism.

This from the mainstream U.S. press. Soemthing is in the air these days…

I pretty much consider this the opposite of “selling out” and will wish him well.

He’s not selling out, he’s selling off. Rusty’s clothing line hit a high years ago…His current sales are less than half of the historic high way back in the 90’s. In laymans terms, his clothing label has run the business life cycle, just like T&C in the 80’s. It’s next to impossible to stay on top in the fickle clothing world, OOH, what happened to Masimo? (sp) right …he’s in Target now, what about Stussy?? Stussy…who’s that?..Gotcha, etc, etc…

Best to get some money out of something that dying. His boards are still strong, and he’s owns the big “R”. He probably got a boat load of money to let some one run with his Logo, and do the sales / marketing…brilliant

The entire clothing side of the business is timing. Get the Fall line right and all the mom’s in the SUVs, packed with kids and $1000 dollar bills will be buying your stuff, Get it wrong and all the buyers at TJ Maxx and Marshall’s will be lining up to buy your stuff .25 on the dollar. Get it right once, your good. Do it year after year, grow the business, start trend…your a fricking majic 8-ball.

yeah great

they made it spent it an now what…

back in the line up do they get priority or dismissal?

400,000,000 units of hypographic clothing ,

payroll to guilded floosie promoters

ten thousand wannabeeeeee clothing manufacturers

surfboard graafic designers loosed on the former zen of surfing?

now some proctor and gamble cincinatti geek

doing "SURFING trade shows

with a toupee and a barbie model//

slash me forward to the future and whaddaya get?

god bless all of em.

them whats sold out

they sold theirs

they never sold mine

an I aint lettin no complicated son of sa seersucker suit

lean over my shoulder

and take whats mine to market ,

trash it and then cash it OUT…

down home lets get it right for once…

hey kid dig the cycle>>>>

boom ----bust.


then wait ten years

and make a comeback speech

at the Hjp a drome

god bless em bhudda blessem

all the ethiopians bless em

and the shinto shrine meet the pope

go to the innauguration

kiss princess di’s tomb

wear gold lame go to rehab

and guess what?

they aint no woody brown…


right now…


right here in front o’ me

take the money?

or live among real people

you choose

get the hype disease and take the money

who needs to know you?


under assistant west coast promo men

seersucker suits


social climbing gallery owners

listen to Dora’s lament

that’s what he was talking about…

some heard it some didn’t.

work hard building a dam

it fills with the silt destined to be the bitchin malibu sandbar

or steal water from the northern california watershed

and ocean beach goes away

we are all connected

and the mercantile boom

surf clothing and contraptions are not effectless

we all pay not in money .

helk bless us all we all

yes ALL of us will llive the retribution

for Promotional surfing’s digression

push the envelope?

woody brown did it

tom blake took the money .

they turned him into a jigalo of sorts

and he left the beach

and died in michigan?

An I used to surf old dog in a retirement highrise…

hey old fat guy

why dont you surf?


burnt up your last paper waitin for the load…

I back up and watch…

that woody brown

he is blessed

and we are blessed to have had his influence.

lets dwell in the spirit house woody brown built

I hope rusty gets out with his own shirt from rubbin shoulders with the smart guys…

if he dont well…

its been seen and done before.

chase the buck?


greg noll sold out to sports ways

jim ganzer sold out

you fill in the rest of the cast

in the promo movie


How many times have any of us wished we could win the lottery, inherit a gizzillion dollars, etc., just so we could quit our jobs and focus full-time on our passions, whether it’s board building, photography, guitar playing, whatever?

Once you’ve got more money than you need, why do the stuff you don’t enjoy?

It sounds like Rusty just quit his job and went full-time back to his passion. Smart.

But, but, but… Ambrose. I like watching Bay Watch!

That’s core!

How many times have any of us wished we could win the lottery, inherit a gizzillion dollars, etc., just so we could quit our jobs and focus full-time on our passions, whether it's board building, photography, guitar playing, whatever?

Once you’ve got more money than you need, why do the stuff you don’t enjoy?

Better yet why not follow your passions? most people waste their lives slaving away at jobs they don’t enjoy. they whine and bitch. tell themselves lies to justify their sorry existance. consider that a lot of the very best things in life require years and years of dedication to achieve. Their foundation is formed in the years of youth and mid life- not in old age.wait until retirement when you think you’ve got more money than you need? wake up man theres not enough TIME left then. TIME one thing that all the money inthe world can’t buy.


yeah great

they made it spent it an now what…

back in the line up do they get priority or dismissal?

400,000,000 units of hypographic clothing ,

payroll to guilded floosie promoters

ten thousand wannabeeeeee clothing manufacturers

surfboard graafic designers loosed on the former zen of surfing?

now some proctor and gamble cincinatti geek

doing "SURFING trade shows

with a toupee and a barbie model//

slash me forward to the future and whaddaya get?

god bless all of em.

them whats sold out

they sold theirs

they never sold mine

an I aint lettin no complicated son of sa seersucker suit

lean over my shoulder

and take whats mine to market ,

trash it and then cash it OUT…

down home lets get it right for once…

hey kid dig the cycle>>>>

boom ----bust.


then wait ten years

and make a comeback speech

at the Hjp a drome

god bless em bhudda blessem

all the ethiopians bless em

and the shinto shrine meet the pope

go to the innauguration

kiss princess di’s tomb

wear gold lame go to rehab

and guess what?

they aint no woody brown…


right now…


right here in front o’ me

take the money?

or live among real people

you choose

get the hype disease and take the money

who needs to know you?


under assistant west coast promo men

seersucker suits


social climbing gallery owners

listen to Dora’s lament

that’s what he was talking about…

some heard it some didn’t.

work hard building a dam

it fills with the silt destined to be the bitchin malibu sandbar

or steal water from the northern california watershed

and ocean beach goes away

we are all connected

and the mercantile boom

surf clothing and contraptions are not effectless

we all pay not in money .

helk bless us all we all

yes ALL of us will llive the retribution

for Promotional surfing’s digression

push the envelope?

woody brown did it

tom blake took the money .

they turned him into a jigalo of sorts

and he left the beach

and died in michigan?

An I used to surf old dog in a retirement highrise…

hey old fat guy

why dont you surf?


burnt up your last paper waitin for the load…

I back up and watch…

that woody brown

he is blessed

and we are blessed to have had his influence.

lets dwell in the spirit house woody brown built

I hope rusty gets out with his own shirt from rubbin shoulders with the smart guys…

if he dont well…

its been seen and done before.

chase the buck?


greg noll sold out to sports ways

jim ganzer sold out

you fill in the rest of the cast

in the promo movie



You are soooo right. How cool it must be to be following your passion. Congratulations.

So, what to you do for a living?

i travel widely to collect the sounds of nature. then i blend these special sounds on CDs for use by new age therapists. my products help people achieve a more peaceful life and a deep, restful sleep. it’s very satisfying even though i dont need to earn an income

what do you do ?


I think I might’ve heard your sounds the other day when I got a massage. :slight_smile:

I do quality management for a specialty cement company. It’s a good job, it appeals to my technical/analytical side and there are things I find satisfying, but it is a job. A job in the sense that if I didn’t need to earn an income, I wouldn’t chose to spend my time doing it. In other words, they definitely have to pay me to do it.

So I, like many, my work is not my passion. My family, my hobbies, and my God, are my passions. At least work allows me to support my passion for them.

But back to the main topic. I think it’s hard to fault a guy like Rusty. Not that I know the details of his rise to empire, but he did stay in there with shaping the whole time. It seems to me he started with his passion, stayed connected but distracted through the growth, and now is refocussing on his passion.