S.A. 2004 invitation...

Ladies & Gentlemen -

This is it… your official invitation to S.A. 2004. Quite a few people have already committed and the remaining spots will fill fast. We will only have room for 20 vehicles but capacity for both sites combined is 80 people so if you can, please plan to car pool.

  • WHO: The usual gang of hopelessly dysfunctional surfcraft enthusiasts
  • WHAT: S.A. support group meeting #2
  • WHERE: Plaskett Creek Group Sites #2 & 3
  • WHEN: September 17th - 20th
  • HOW MUCH: 25.00 per person (includes camping fee and t-shirt)
Contact me with any questions or to send registration fee... THANKS!

John Mellor

271 Vista Ct

Los Osos, Ca 93402


Hey John,

Unless I miss my guess the S.A. gathering will exceed 80 people easily. I’ll come down with someone who is already planning to make the trip if it works out cause frankly I don’t want to make the drive alone. I think the campsite will be packed like an over stuffed sardine can. We’ll see, won’t we. I know it’ll be good fun and informative regardless of what the attendance numbers are like.

Keep up the good work.

Mahalo, Rich

so you got me check?I found my tent I think Ill ship it downI hope my mom still has more wood Jimmy might come andy says yes too…I spoke to em I’ll double check… cooking same fire pit was that camp two? aloha ambrose

Ambrose - Yes, I received your check. Thanks! The camp sites will be the same as last year. Looking forward to seeing you again. If you want to send tent or anything in advance, let me know.

John, I’ll get a check for me and beth to you real soon. We may bring our friends along again to, so I’ll hit them up for a check too. I’m gonna make some sanding blocks and calipers for the raffle also. Thanks for all your doing John, yooz a good guy! Scott…chompin the bit.


Count me in for the event, I will make a new T-shirt design if you like and print them again?

Save a car spot I will be there.

Mark Scott

Got your check today. Thanks!

Ladies and gentlemen…

We have reached capacity at Swayloholic’s Anonymous 2004. For those who responded but haven’t sent money, now is the time. Unless we have some cancellations, that’s it - no mas.

For anyone interested in showing up and taking their chances at the main campground, feel free to drop on by!

OK -

Have received checks from the following people - thanks guys!

Grand Poobah


Keith Melville

Mr J



Michael Sedgwick


Tom OKeefe

Peter Costello

Several of the above have paid for more than one spot. Then there’s Mike Paler, Lee V, Gary Geist, myself and several others who have spoken for, but not registered ($) for, site(s).

As there are t-shirt printing issues, etc I’m hoping to hear from everyone by the end of June. Starting July 1st, anybody on waiting list will be notified as space becomes available.

Like last year, we are expecting an eclectic crew of enthusiasts and hope to view and ride some new, old and definitely interesting stuff. Peter Costello (artwork) and Easternpacific (the man with the printing plan) are working out details on the

t-shirts. Keith and Lee are organizing the Yater Blank Shape Off. I’ll bring calipers, contour gauge and roll of paper for templates and a set of racks if I can fit them someplace.

Stuff for this years fund raising raffle are in the works - if you want to kick something in, or know of any surf related businesses that might want to contribute to a worthy cause, please let me know.

I’m leaving the country for a month and won’t be available unless I can connect via internet cafe or whatever. Please address private message box with any questions and I’ll get back to you when I can. Thanks again!


PS - my long range forecast is calling for 3 - 6 foot glassy conditions and fun for all.