S.A. 2004 raffle prize!!!

Everyone please check under “Connections”… “Swayloholics Anonymous” listings for new post re: “S.A. 2004 raffle prize!!!”


Wow! What a generous offering. Thanks Paul. Someone, (I hope me) is going to get a treasure. How do I enter the drawing?


Is that the one we got to ride at the S.A. 2003?

That board hasn’t been out of Washington State…

It’s been surfed less than a half dozen times …

The raffle board is the second hollow I built…

My first hollow is hanging in a local board shop…

The third board was auctioned at the Waterman’s last year…$3,500…

The fourth board was given to a friend…

Subesquent boards are in my quiver…

I build 'em - ride 'em - move on…

Hey John - Think I may have already whined, but sorry to have missed you when you passed through - you guys coulda seen the 3 piece when it was still clean, pretty, and more dream than reality. I have had some technical issues - half the deck box ripped out in 10’-12’ point surf, and the body and nose got beat on the rocks, I am in the procces of maxing out the joint setting, and… One last chance to test before Kauai… if it blows out again - I’ll have to pick up an old rental and just make do!

Anyway - for real - mailing the check this week before I leave. Dale S. says you are a real nice guy, so it’ll be fun to face and flesh to some e-notes in the fall.

Peace, and all the good stuff, Taylor