S/A aging

does surfacing agent have a shelf life after being opened? how can you tell? my batch looks pretty un-normal.

does surfacing agent have a shelf life after being opened? how can you > tell? my batch looks pretty un-normal. Surfacing Agent is made up of wax and styrene. After a while the styrene will evaporate and the wax will also separate. If seal on the container is in question, then its best to replace it. You may also get white wax deposits around the spout when the styrene has evapoated from liquid that collects around the lid when pouring. It’s not that expensive - better safe than risk a gummy hot coat. http://fiberglassflorida.com/2000/

Surfacing Agent is made up of wax and styrene. After a while the styrene > will evaporate and the wax will also separate. If seal on the container is > in question, then its best to replace it. You may also get white wax > deposits around the spout when the styrene has evapoated from liquid that > collects around the lid when pouring.>>> It’s not that expensive - better safe than risk a gummy hot coat. It turns into jello after the styrene evaporates. Styrene willdo the same thing when it goes bad. Aloha, Kokua

it sat for a few weeks without being used. when i picked it up felt like some parts became solid. i needed to shake it up to mix it back. it looks a little chunkier than when i first got it. i also noticed that my final coat had flecks everywhere. first time that has happened.

it sat for a few weeks without being used. when i picked it up felt like > some parts became solid. i needed to shake it up to mix it back. it looks > a little chunkier than when i first got it. i also noticed that my final > coat had flecks everywhere. first time that has happened. When it gets cold, the wax will separate and float on top. Bring it into the house overnight. If it warms up and still looks chunky - discard.

it sat for a few weeks without being used. when i picked it up felt like > some parts became solid. i needed to shake it up to mix it back. it looks > a little chunkier than when i first got it. i also noticed that my final > coat had flecks everywhere. first time that has happened. I wouldn’t think that just a few weeks would ruin it, a few months yes. I buy my S.A. by the gallon and it lasts at least 2-3 months. In fact I’ve never had S.A. go bad on me. Then again the weather here doesn’t get that cold so I have no experience as far as how the cold effects it. I did have some styrene jell on me after it sat for 3 months(unopen can) but I have a can I’ve been using for at least 4 months and no problem yet, Go figure.Aloha, Kokua