s-core repair

Hello Swaylockers. i’m looking for some advice on repairing one of my favorite boards. here’s what I’m thinking, cut away damaged glass, mix a thick q-cell/epoxy to bridge void, and epoxy glass w/a couple layers of 6oz. glass. Not much different than a couple repairs i have done on other EPS boards. Wondering if I’m on the right track, and if i should be doing something different because its an s-core and I’ll be bridging an open void, and do I need make extra reinforcements because hollow design? My board was filled up w/what felt like 10Lbs. of saltwater (this made for three pearled drops, as the water sloshed forward, before I realized what was going on). It’s dried now, but should i rinse out the inside [img_assist|nid=1065704|title=s-core ding|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=478|height=640][img_assist|nid=1065702|title=s-core ding|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=478|height=640]w/clean water, and is the foam EPS or XTR/cloased cell foam. Thanks![img_assist|nid=1065703|title=s-core ding|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=478|height=640]

As far as I know, the blue foam is XPS.

And EPS is used in the center to serve as some sort of deck support.

Dry it out as good as you can (in the sun).


The repair with qcell will work.

But I would cut out a rectangular hole and glue in a block of XPS using epoxy+qcell, then shape it, then finish with one layer of 6oz. -> prettier, lighter and almost as strong.

I am surprised there is even an S-core still in existence, regardless of how they perform they were more delicate than PU boards.

Thanks for the advice Hans. I’m guessing I could use a chunk of eps rather than xps, correct?

I think you’re right. I swear I didn’t hit anything or anybody during this session. I couldn’t believe when I felt the water sloshing around in the board. I found this board new a few years back from a friend of a friend that bought a stack of various s-core boards when Solomon stopped selling them. The thing is, I love this little thing, (not sure if it’s the construction/lightweight/flexibility, or the fact that it’s a proven Rusty design?) and I wanna keep riding it!

fix it and then ride it till it is dead, man.

Using q-cell and Epoxy in a very thick mix is going to be a lot less work, easier and stronger if you end up cutting a massive whole in your board?!!

Weight? I don’t think theres a lot of weight in 2 square cm of epoxy/Q-cell mix?

q-cell and epoxy is indeed the easiest way.

I like do do it with a chunk of foam. EPS will work too, but blue xps will look nicer.