?s for Greg Loehr

Hi Greg, I have a couple of questions regarding epoxy and eps construction. First in terms of heat resistance how do your boards compare with polystere resin and polyurethane foam boards - same, better or worse ? Second since epoxy is stiffer but is structurally stronger than polystere resin, does it become more brittle as you laminate more cloth to add weight, for example in a big wave gun situation. How do you add weight to big wave boards? Please excuse my english since it’s not my first language. Thanks, Paul

With EPS/epoxy the way we build them, with 2# density foam, there are really no heat related problems. No more than with standard construction. Using lighter densities you could potentially see some issues but not that often. Adding cloth doesn’t make for a brittle board at all. Scott Bouchard has built a number of boards with us for Hawaii. He built one for Pipeline that he decided to glass to the same weight as the standard polyester/urethane. He ended up with a three layer bottom and a four layer deck complete with rail channels in the deck and power rods in the bottom. He rode it for three or four winters and eventually gave it away to someone on the North Shore. The thing was bullit proof. When he traveled he hardly even packed it. Never got a ding and it never broke. One of the things about EPS is that if you want the weight you end up with a bullet proof board. Also that’s one of the advantages and one of the freedoms. There’s room to do stuff, weight wise. There’s room to put exotics into the mix. Most exotics will never be used in standard surfboards because of the minimal glass schedule. With EPS you have that option.

Thanks a lot for the information, I’ved been following your posts for the past few weeks and your product seems very impressive. Keep up the good work and I would surely like to try one of your boards in the near future. One last question are your still shaping your boards out of Cocoa Beach. Thanks.

Indian harbour Beach. I’m about 15 minutes south of Cocoa Beach

I travel to Florida a few times a year from Puerto Rico so I’ll make sure check and check with you on my next trip. Thanks