SA 2004 Challenge

fear is their only wedge donot allow fear to become part of the equation once we give in to fear the resistance is lost…consult the manifesto face Waco at the apropriate times daily and resume the quest ours is the noble cause ,wear floral clothing in groups of over three to camoflage apearance ,speak to no one that doesnt reveal the password xiloholyaws…burn this message the walls have ears and the SS is everywher… agent ambrose… awaiting instructions… You are the axis ring leader I know that now by the way You inserted Hang so conspicuously in the previous message …XILOHOLYAWS…

I’ll have to keep re-reading this one, as I am sure I don’t fully get it (seriously). But, I was laughing and smiling until my face hurt, so judging by impact on me, it seems good. Is “hang” bad? I am so outside of the loop/main stream up here in the great wet north, that my naivety shines forth so brightly?

“consult the manifesto face Waco,” is this something you really suggest?

XILOHOLYAWS" means??? ( I mean I think I get something, but personalied cryptics)

“You are the axis ring leader I know that now by the way You inserted Hang so conspicuously in the previous message …” Where do you draw the line?

its a pun. No, its a palindrome…

no, the palindrome of Bolton would be Notlob…

here’s a real palindrome: “A man, a plan, a cat, a ham, a yak, a yam, a hat, a canal–Panama!”

backwards is sdawkcab datzall it was difficult because in my william gibson stupor I confused TaylorO with the illustrious mellville who is in fact the 'axis ring leader"ambrose

Axis ring leader? Not much fun in Stalingrad, no…Ha ha. Am retired vindow cleaner and pacifist, without doing war crimes. Oh…and am glad England vin Vorld Cup. And eating I am lots of chips and fish and hole in the toads…must now head off to Minstry of Silly Walks, meet you there, Ambrose?

Nothing to fear, TaylorO. The only thing we have to fear, is seriousness itself.

The axis is the terminology thr ring is the circle of communicators,the yeoman of terminology …mellville of the glossary…fealty richly deserved … silly walk cross step ,cross step ,cross step, hop back ,hop back ,cross step slide slide…registered silly walk of the Wee Walke To jlide clan…ambrose…ready to read