SA 2005 Official Invitation

Hi Folks,

Well it’s that time of year again…time for the annual Swayloholics Anonymous Meeting. The time where we can all get together and provide one another support and understanding for our addiction.

Here’s The Official Invitation and Event Details.

Please use this thread to discuss and coordinate with other Swayloholics.

See you in October!


I am stoked as ever. You can count on me being there. I am going fishing a month before too so we may have some Dorado for the bbq if we are lucky. Darren


How many folks are you coming up with?

ummm. My four mates from last year all agreed that we should make the trips a tradition. So, me and at least four other groms I think. I will try to get an official number soon. Darren

ah… darren i hope to bring some salmon too smoked and fresh good year for fish i bought a surf dory we launch off the beach…going tomorrow to the river they are starting to move…i hope to bring 1 mate… my lady nellyda with the painting has to be in nursing school"bless her heart" so she cant come . i cant tell her she will be so bumed…camped there 3 weeks ago at plaskett small surf saw a guy drillin pearch!! any good eatin? people around here says there are nasty bony mush…

I’m in. Just finished with PayPal. 1 person 1 car as of now but I’ll work on the carpooling.

This thread has gotten a little quiet. Hopefully all of you guys are getting your boards ready and wondering about how to get the mildew smell out of your tents. Me and my mates are almost ready, we have been real busy surfing ourselves silly. IF there is anything we need/ can bring to support the cause let me know. See you guys soon. It has been over a year since i have ridden a hull, lets change that. Adios. Darren

Hey Darren, yup, just trying to finish up a new board for Big Sur, putting the camping gear together, and trying to figure out how to fit it all in the car! See ya up there.



Wish I could make it, If I did not have school the preceding friday and following monday, I’d hitch a ride up there in a heart beat. Have fun!

