SA 2005 photos...

Howzit Shipman, I see one of the boards has the Edge Fin system on it, I'll tell Clyde to check the pics he should like that.Aloha,Kokua

Kokua, that is Herb spitzer’s Board in that pic. The fins even say so… Herb had a nice combo of FCS, Edge and RedX on that board.

Thanks to Mike, John and everyone for a great time. I made new friends that I look forward to sharing shaping and surfing with. Talking surfing and just hanging out was a blast. A semi gun is next up on my shaping stand! Next time 4est and MarkSSD won’t be the only ones making it out. The LokBox fins from the raffle will defintely get used.

I want to see Keith shape with an axe.

thanks again to everyone for a great time and sharing!

Someone MUST have taken a picture of Darren’s rig…It should be next to the definition of “stoke” in the Swaylopedia.

Hey gang. We have finally unloaded the van and are now thinking about drainin the water from our gnarly coolers. First of, we all had an awesome time especially our my friends who were first timers. On our way home we surf some hectic boily reef break north of Cambria. Everybody managed to keep from bouncing off the rocks and we got some head high surf give or take. Then after our surf we made a fire in the parking lot and grilled our leftovers for an early dinner( wahoo, bacon, hamburgers, hot dogs, beer and box wine). We watched the sun set and the wahles play, it was a good way to end an awesome weekend. We got into Mira Mesa at the timely hour of 1:45 am on a school night. We are all tyring to catch up on school work but i am sketching up designs for the raffle blank i got. It was sweet meeting all you new guys. However, we desperatly missed Ambrose, Andy, Tj and Nellyda to name a few. I hope you guys and gal are doing well and not sick or anything. All in all we did a lot of driving and a lot of surfing so the weekend was a raging success( i think we only got two tickets too). Darren

ps. Hey Kirk nice picture in the new magazine you are like a celebrity

Just saw KP’s picture…I don’t remember the last time I saw him without some kind of head gear; now I know why…

or wearing a shirt…jeesh…what a profile! had a good time-perhaps too good a time saturday night.anyway, thanks to mike and julie and thanks to john for not posting the “hangar” pictures(ha-ha!).it was a totally cool gig.also, a big thanks to jeff chamberlin-yeehaw!good to see darren and crew as well as lee(thanks for the cohiba!), john and others.some of you are doing soem real nice work making boards.keep it up !until next time-

some more shots. LeeV & KM going for a foggy pounding…

Channel? We don’t need no STINKIN’ CHANNEL…

Shipman and Stingray want to get pounded, too!

(cool sea-cave in background kept kids occupied)

Secret entrance to Sand Dollar. Them Rocks are Safe, ain’t they?

Luckily, the fog didn’t stick around all weekend…

I had a great time getting pounded at Sand Dollar Beach.

Thanks for the photos evryone ! Swaylocks is awesome.

Thank you Mike Paler ,Julie ,John M, Lee V ,Kieth M, Ben S, Mark ,Tim ,Mike ,Jesus and Heather ,Tony, Mrs Melville and kids and all the other great Swaylockers at Big Sur…

We drove from LAX to South OC in the rain with no windshield wipers! Shipman’s VW van is so cool !


herb and 4est I guess I recognise .

WHO are all these other people ? Or are you not allowed to divulge that information ?


I had a flash of lewis carroll

some character saying…''WHO ARE YOU"

I started googling and thought of the cheshire cat

them the mad hatter

then the queen of hearts…

the doormouse and then none were clearly the source of the quote in my mind

although this question rings much alike.

this looking glass reveals much yet is short of the actual experiential.

after two years meeting with the group select in the ancient sanctuary

that is plaskett creek-sandollar beach

much remains missing from these electronic representations

I comiserate with you chipper.

the smells of the pine and sage and cypress

the melodic sounds of friendly conversation

the common love of surf and ocean

the passing dog well loved

the understanding of the often misunderstood

the supportive attitude un compromised

the communal campfire

the smell of food

friend s all old and new

familiar in name and now in presence

yes who are all these guys?

one after another are identified

and then cherished as memories

from the outside

something is truely missing.

we are all less for not attending

and filling ooour tanks with swaylohol …



when you are not camping at plaskett creek?

How could I forget Herb and Forest ? Nice boards !!

And Darren ,Kirk P ,Hank ,the guy from Redondo beach ,the resin covered Ugg boots ,10 surfboards on top of a VW camper ,Tripped out troll Ranger…

Stories about Vancouver Island ,Sailboat hulls coming apart in the open ocean off of Wales.

I even won the Dog Town book in the Raffle!

cold …


big …


and onshore …

One question remains …

WHERE was San Francisco big wave hellman and gun building expert LeeDD ???

…surfing Mavericks , I guess …

" I even won the Dog Town book in the Raffle! "

‘consafos’ was there , too ???

…cool !

WAS it the "legend of the Z-boys " book , Ray ?

That’s such a GREAT book ! …the only book I have EVER paid $100aus for (and worth it , for the photos , in my opinion ).

enjoy !!


Well guy’s I’m back home, so now I have a chance to say thanks to everyone for a memorable event at Big Sur.

Special mentions go to to John Mellor for bringing Deets udt’s up for me and generally settling me in [sorry I did’nt hook up after mate, things cropped up and I had to start heading north sooner than anticipated] Jeff and Paige and LeeV for welcoming me on Thursday night, Mike Paler for putting the weekend together, all the guys for feeding me hot food [you can only live so long on cold rations], Herb for the great tales. The San Diego guys with how many boards on that VW? Jesus and Heather… and everyone else not mentioned by name, I think I got to talk with you all at some point. Peter and Patricia Costello for a pleasant dinner back in SC and for putting me in touch with Ward Coffey… I know who I’ll be getting a board from next time I’m out there.

Lastly thanks to all the great boards that made the trip, wonderful and varied. My board of the w/e? well many to choose from, Shipmans bonzers, LeeV’s new board as shaped by JM… but for me it’s the hoop finned Paipo that takes the ‘board of the show’ prize for it’s sheer chutzpa… I want one.

great stuff swordie !

…and I bet they were as entertained by your welsh accent as they were by aussie accents …

I’ll never forget the first time I rang one of the cali boys from here …

silence at the other end …

