SA 2005 photos...

[=1][ 3]SA 2005 photos…[/] [/]Edit | Delete | Quote | Reply

A good time was had by all. Kudos to Mike and Julie for coordinating this year!

Mr J, Paul Jensen, Gary Geist, to name 3, were notably absent. Some new folks showed including Tony (Swordie) all the way from Wales and Ben Shipman from San Diego.

Sand Dollar Beach was basically overexposed to a new NW swell which gave the few who were brave enough to go for it a hard time. When Keith Melville came in and told his tale of woe, I knew I made the right choice to stay on the beach. Mark Scott and Forrest were two of the lucky ones that made it to the outside and actually catch waves.

Peter Costello contributed the art work for the shirts.

Some fine raffle items were donated… a multitude of plywood keel fin blanks from EasternPacific, A Walker Blank and T-shirt from Scott at Foam, Fins & Fiberglass in Ventura, a gallon and a half Resin Research Epoxy kit from Lee Vanderhurst, Several Red-X and Lokbox fin sets from Tom at Red-X, A “Litmus” DVD and UK T-shirts from Swordie, some T-Shirts and nice books from Mike and Julie Paler, a Clark Blank from Mike Sedgwick in Carmel, etc. Sorry if I missed any of you who kicked in. Ken kicked in a really nice hollow carbon Kolstof for auction. Proceeds to go to Swaylocks.

Hopefully someone can make any additions necessary.

Anyway… some pics:

John, Mike et al

Nice seeing you again and meeting some new and interesting folks. Had a slow drive home on Saturday night after missing a deer by a few inches. Next deer crawled under (!) the guardrail

Saw this

Did this

John, I hope you retrieved that Clif Bar wrapper - can’t let those design ideas get out to the teeming masses quite yet

Peter - Yes, it is in a safe deposit box with patent application pending.

More pics:

Howzit John, Looks like everyone had a good time, to bad about the surf. We've got another swell building today and that's after a good sized one that hit on Wed. Not sure how long it takes for them to get to the mainland but thay seem to be stacking up so things should be good for you guys. One of these days I'll make it to a SA party, wanted to send some raffle stuff but the rules said you had to attend to donate.Aloha,Kokua

John et al.

WoodMaven also donated a handcrafted foiled wood fin blank.

As for more info on the surf report… Mark and I were the only ones to make it out. Mark was the only one to successfully ride an outside wave. His ride was probable a 10’ Hawaian (back) backside left that he worked nicely for a quite a long ride before kicking out just before the entire bay closed out. The waves were very shifted and often closing out through the entire bay. I had what would have been a nice wave till it kicked up at the last minuted sending me right out the front on what was probably a +20’ face and then came down on my back. Mark rode the giant and the giants rode me on 2 other occasions. The big sets that rolled through were probably 20’ backs.

The UCSD boys headed north to Andrew Molero (sp?) and got some good shoulder high stuff.

On the way back south today (Sunday), Jesus surfed Pico and Mark, Tim and I surf C-Street, Ventura.

So besides little to no surf opportunity, fun was had by all. Lots of good boards were on display. Lots of good conversation and more fun putting names, faces and usernames together.

Thanks again to Mike and Julie for organizing and to all that made the event another success.

a few random shots:

raccoons hang 10 - or is it 20?

 Thanks Swaylocks and crew. Had a blast,   

Here are some pictures I took.

Mike and all the gang,

Thank you for another wonderful event, surf was fun people great, weather


Saw all kinds of weather this weekend,Santa Anas in San Diego to fog in Big Sur,

rain in L.A. great lighting show.

Kudos to Mike

Thanks again Mark