SA 2005

Hi Folks,

This is just a pre-announcement for the folks that need more time for planning…

The 2005 Swayloholic’s Anonymous (West Coast, USA) Meeting will be October 14-16 (Fri-Sun) at the Plaskett Creek Group Campgound in Big Sur.

More details to follow…


whoopee.I’ll be there

I’d already planned to be in Ca for 3 weeks this fall, so now have an excuse to spend on surf gear when I’m over there!


please put me down for a spot.

LeeV and I are both planning on going. See ya there!

I hope to be making the trip south. Any other PNW members heading down and perhaps want to caravan down?

Darren here. Please sign me up yet again. I have been looking for his post since winter. Me and my mates will put school on pause and make the trip again. I have a fishing trip planned the month before so hopefully the tuna gods will fill our cooler. If you guys need any help planning let me know. Darren


Can’t wait, put me down for a spot.

When do you want money?


I want in on it again, too. Should be plenty of surf by then. Let me know when to sign up. Mike

Los Mike, Me and D are in . save me a spot.

I’ll be there in spirit…

I’m heading back to the private island in Canada next month for another week…

Then in December I’m going to France for a couple of weeks…

Those trips, and the cost of driving a million miles to and fro, will keep me from being there, this year…

Besides, my arm and back are still sore from dragging “someones” beheamoth up from the beach…

Save me a t-shirt, if you could…


What??? no board jockey!!!

mid October is the best month just about anywhere.

I’ve got some raffle item ideas, i just hope i can produce in time. no more hips to do and the wife wants to go.

If Paul Jensen wont be there, Putnam will have to bring that small quiver of his to make up for the lack of P.J’s. boards.

Kirk, be sure to arrange for that Andreini Hot Curl to be there. Hope you can talk Mark into coming also. We Will miss you P.J.


since I’m coming from the UK [not exclusively for the ‘do’] I dont want to bring too much with me… so what are the water temps likely to be at Big Sur… shortie, 3/2 steamer, 5/3 steamer …or the full works with boots and gloves :slight_smile:

Re: wetsuit question…

Everybody has a different comfort range. A 4/3 or 3/2 full suit and booties should do you OK. Gloves and hood not necessary.

Water temperatures should be in the mid 50 - 60 range (fahrenheit) - October is a transitional month and weather could be variable from cool/rainy to hot/sunny.


Re: wetsuit question…

Everybody has a different comfort range. A 4/3 or 3/2 full suit and booties should do you OK. Gloves and hood not necessary.

Water temperatures should be in the mid 50 - 60 range (fahrenheit) - October is a transitional month and weather could be variable from cool/rainy to hot/sunny.

Hmmm that’s what were on here at the moment and I’m in a 2/1 O’Neil shorty… I suspect it will be the 3/2 steamer…

4/3 would be my personal favorite. it is dam cold up in those parts being from ventura and all. maybe booties too,

Looking to carpool with someone. Don’t mind driving, just don’t see a need to drive solo. I’m taking Friday off work so I can leave any time. Could meet up in North LA somewhere or in Ventura. Thinking of catching a surf in Ventura before hadn but that is flexable. PM me.


FYI: Surf is looking promising,

Friday swell 7 ft @ 16-17 secs (10-12 ft faces).

Saturday swell 6 ft @ 14 secs (7.5-8.5 ft faces)

Sunday 9 ft @ 12-13 secs and fading

PS 40% chance of showers on Sunday, last I checked.