SA Seminars

Here’s a thought - how about some pre-arranged shaping, glassing, or tool seminars? I’ve had several newbies ask to sit in on a shaping or glassing session, and I for one would love to watch Jim P chamber a balsa, or watch a true expert’s blade-sharpening techniques… even just watching each others tips, tricks, & shortcuts could be great fun on a Saturday pm (maybe after a morning surf session)…

SA 2004 is looking great and I can’t wait – but its once a year. This could be once a month or so.

Perfect!!! (We can get Toby and/or Skip Frye to discuss customer relations…). How many out there want to participate as a lecturer or student?

Sign me up as a student. Actually, Toby came to my daughter school about 10 years ago during a fair and shaped a board in front of the kids and talked to them about shaping. Any man that gives his time to kids is a fan of mine regardless of his other idiosyncracys.

I meant that only as a joke. I met Toby a few weeks ago and he gave us a couple of hours of his time to talk story…He is one of the best and most ecclectic shapers around. I too am a fan.

Hey Lee Im willing to teach a class on takin story whada you think?

Professor Putnam, Phd…has a ring doesn’t it. You could cover it all from undergraduate to post graduate…

I can understand why the pros might not be too interested in this, but I’m willing to offer up a space for a get-together, free beer after the power tools are unplugged (uh, 21 & older anyway), and whatever tips I have picked up along the way that others might be interested in. What the heck, we’re all making these boards anyway, I just thought it would be fun to invite others over to kibitz, etc.

Absolutely…Pick a date and let’s see what happens. I’ll pitch in however I can. I’m willing to buy some epoxy resin if someone will donate some “experience”…

Let’s shoot for the afternoon of Saturday April 17th, with Sunday the 18th as a fallback if something comes up.

I’m leading a geology field trip to the Grand Canyon that week end…how 'bout the next? (Didn’t you just know this was going to happen!)

OK by me, I just had to skip over Easter weekend.

Saturday the 24th it is, then.

I am a newbie (have not yet started making my first board) but would love to take part.

Where are you guys located? I am currently geographically confined to SoCal with a shattered heel recovery.


If we get enough folks (and maybe no matter what) we’ll give out the secret location (Keith Melville’s house at Sunset Cliffs, San Diego…

Looks like I missed this whole section… was just going to the old discussion room. Hope it’s not too late.

I’d love to watch someone else shape and/or glass. I think I have a good handle on the whole process, but I thought that before I saw the Master shaping video… wow. Master glassing in the mail… oh yea.

Sound like a good experience. I don’t have much to offer, other than great taste in selection of fine beer.

I posted to the post in the “Events and Happenings” area instead a while back,

but decided that I’d post here too.

I’d like to car pool with someone from the LA area.

I’m in Stevenson Ranch (near Magic Mountain), but could meet in LA.

contact me:



Not too late – although we did try to move this discussion over to the Events page, since that seemed more like where it ought to be. You’ll get PMs as we get closer to the date…

4est - hope you can make it down, if not maybe someone is interested in a similar setup closer to you…

Guess I’d better post this here too, just to be safe. The Saturday glassing is moving to May 1st. PMs to follow…

this is going to get too big the long beach sports arena…san diego state campus fly in bert from aus, Kwan WEi from taiwan , Deiter from Croatia five days federally funded … aaaaa symposium sounds much better than a semi narr…Lee could wear a suit …I’ll wear my new hat an talk silly to flush out the insincere and drop the information at the last three minutes of the three and a half hour lecture and have the Questions first and no questions after…dale could not show up…stanly could watch and Da Bull could slide in and make a fair bit o’ gold , kirk could organise the rotunda , and best of all we could go surfin…ambrose…just a thought stream

Federally funded Sympathetaposium (instead of a semi-narwhal)…now you’re cookin’ Ambrose. Let’s surf first, then glass, then barbeque & swill beer… come on down! We’d be honored if you showed up, stream of consciousness, old hat/new hat/no hat, questions first or last, no matter!!!