SACRED CRAFT this weekend

Just a heads up…

Event is this weekend.

If you’re going with Sways crew to annual event be safe have fun.

If you visit Del Mar I look forward to meeting you.


Dig your location yeahguy. Do you know Dave Kennedy. Haven’t seen pickleweed good for ages…Lol

Look forward to meeting fellow Swaylockians at Del Mar Show. Mahalo,Larry

A small pickleweed point contigent will be trolling the show. I hope everyone will be wearing name badges.


I’ve been out of town, and out of touch. What is the event? Where in Del Mar? And when? Thanks for any info.

This saturday and sunday. Del Mar fairgrounds. The 5 freeway and Via de la valle then 1 block west of the freeway and go left. Follow the signs. Starts at 10:30 am.

Thank you.

Here’s the link to the show , should be a really neat event. Foam E-Z will have a booth with most of our cool stuff displayed and we will be giving away lots of swag. Come by and visit us.


Thank you. I WILL drop by your booth.