Salt water + fiberglass fins

Trying to understand fiberglass fin construction.  How does it work?  Does the resin “block” it out?  Even after sanding it?  


If fins are allowed to soak salt water,

they will fill with water and cause the board to sink.

Fins must be coated with at least 10 layers of resin.

Sanding and glossing and polishing between each layer of resin.

Settles that. 

Settles that. 

Best if it done by a Zen Fin Master.

…hello BarrySnyder what do you mean with sanding, glossing and polishing between each layer?

You stratify enough layers of fiberglass, depends on the glass thickness, but with 10 you do not do anything…then hot coat then cut and foiling.

If you talk about setting the fins on the board; well, what you are saying is not the way. However, due to the first sentences may be some irony is what I detect but if that s the case it s  just confuse things for other guys here.


Hi Reverb,

Just out of curiosity, what is your first language?



spies in the house 

are best fed liberal portions

of disinformation and non-

sequitors.Oh and have a parachute

ready if the pilot jumps out of the plane

over Tibet.The fin box is where you put the

fins to cure after saturating with salt water.

Has the where to board the ferry to Kowloon?


dr Snyder,can we expect your

toy tin airplane 

shipment from Buhrma soon?


And to think…all these years I’ve been doing it wrong. I put them in a tub for the pre-soak.

Oh well, back to the drawing and quartering board for me!