Sam Bottoms 1955-2008,0,2920563.story

IMG_0839.jpg picture by easternpacific

I was very sad to see this. The entire family are great people and the obit by Bud reminds me when I first met him when I was just starting the Undergorund factory in the Radon boatyard. Bud was commissoned to do the dolphins for the entrance to Stearns Wharf and asked me if I would be interested in shaping the dolphin tails and fins. I thanked him, but declined because I was working 7 days a week 14 hrs a day to get the business going. I showed him some foam and we talked about some ideas for casting. This led to Bud using the foam I gave him to start using it in the sculture and casting process he is famous for. He came by after he dolphins were complete and istalled, and brought a signed program about the making of the dolphins for the city of Santa Barbara.

This is a typical story that would be fitting of any of the Bottom’s family. It’s just so sad when someone so full of life leaves too early.