San Diego 1947 (Home Movies)

Some of you will know this spot.  Check out the boards and riding style.

Great video. I grew up at that spot.

Great redwood plank video thanks

Grew up in Point Loma.  Surfed their in the 60’s.  Used to walk to the cliffs before sunup with our longboards.  Many fond memories of surfing the cliffs with my brother and friends. That’s where we went from longboards to shortboards.

 Thanks for Posting Sammy


Some of you will know this spot.  Check out the boards and riding style.


Aloha SammyA,

In the above clip, the tall blonde ''kid'' on the left, is Rod Luscomb.    I surfed with him @ Windansea from the mid 50's to the mid 70's.   He is the namesake of an excellent break at the Cliffs, LUSCOMBS.

As kids we surfed Luscombs, always thought it was named after a street in the area, but never found a street named Luscombs.

Thanks for the memories


Hey 50s and early 60s Pt. Loma crew, I got the word that maybe the last rider of that clip walking out of the water with V shaped tail board may be Bud Caldwell and that he still frequents the Cliffs and Tourmaline? And that he may have been the builder of some of those boards. So get the word out to Bud Caldwell that he and his pals and boards from the old days are being featured on the web and on this board building site at that.

Well, the person who uploaded the clip to youtube mentions him in this list of “regulars”.


“Rod Luscomb, James “Mouse” Robb, Don Mellon, Hal Crupens, Mike
Considine, Sonny “Maggots” Maggiora, Lance Morton, John Isbell, Buddy
Bob Woodall, Bruce Westphal, Alex “Bud” Caldwell, Joe Gann,
Marsh Malcolm, Skeeter Malcolm, Ed “Blackie” Hoffman, William Ward
Martin, Terry Martin, Dick Clark, Woody Ekstrom, Dick “Stormsurf”
Taylor, Bob “Goldy” Goldsmith, Hadji Hein, Robbie Nelson, LLoyd Baker,
“Little Jim” Richards, Bob “Birdlegs” Figer and Ralph Dawson”.




Some of you will know this spot.  Check out the boards and riding style.


Aloha SammyA,

In the above clip, the tall blonde ''kid'' on the left, is Rod Luscomb.    I surfed with him @ Windansea from the mid 50's to the mid 70's.   He is the namesake of an excellent break at the Cliffs, LUSCOMBS.


When I was a young Lad My Father said you should learn something new everyday.  So Thanks Bill for adding to my San Diego surf knowledge.  my biggest fear at luscombs was getting in and out of the water.

Yeah it was a always a challenge to get in and out of the water at the cliffs with a longboard.

'' ... my biggest fear at luscombs was getting in and out of the water. ''

Yep, that could be a real challenge!     After all the years I surfed with Rod, it wasn't  until I lost contact with him that I found out that Luscombs was named for him.   Rod was a soft spoken, unassuming person, a skilled surfer and a real gentleman in the water.   Too bad more people aren't like him today.

Hey guys, stoked I found this thread. I’ve gotten back into surfing over the past 5 or so years after a long break from it throughout most of highschool and college. Finally getting around to shaping boards and have been lurking around this site for a few months…it’s about time, as it runs in the family. Bud Caldwell is actaully my grandfather and sure enough, that is him coming out of the water at the end, and he did shape some of those boards in the video. My uncle (Bud’s son) is the one who posted this video. I believe it was part a longer reel showing more of San Diego Bay etc. About a year ago we hung one of his balsa/redwood planks up in the upstairs of his Point Loma home…the other board pictured below is a board he and my uncle shaped in the 60’s that I pulled out from under his house and used a few times (sorry for the crappy images)!

Bud’s still kicking, but he hasn’t been able to surf for a number of years now. He still will make it over to the cliffs or tourmaline to have a look at the surf every now and then. 


Fastinating, Looked like Pacific Homes style boards in first shot, last guy getting out “Hot Curl”! 

Absolutly killer “slidin’ ass” stuff!

Hi scottyjones.

Welcome to this aggregation of misfits, curmudgeons, carps and fume sniffers known collectively as Swaylocks.

I’m glad you chimed in and added the pics and info you shared.

Yes,  that Hot Curl board is absolutely outstanding!     Imagine what it would bring in a vintage auction today, eh.  The board is a true classic.


SammyA sounds like the “error & bugs club”, HA!

BT thinking how much hurt those things would put on ya. Oh and how come with maybe 7 guys out the average was 4 per wave! The more the merry? Or piss the guy who drove off and walk home!

Though I never surfed a plank, my first board was 10 feet long, and weighed 40 pounds.    First wave I caught on that board, I fell off.    I came up too soon.    The board was still in the air, and hit me in the head, to the tune of 8 stitches in my right eyebrow.    I’m sure getting hit by a 50 or 60 pound plank would be even worse!


Interesting to see they were knee-paddling their take-offs. For some reason, I assumed that knee-paddling came in with foam boards.

“Oh and how come with maybe 7 guys out the average was 4 per wave! The more the merry?”