Regarding the momentary diversion into the strange world of trying to understand women, I remembered a story.

A surfer was walking down the beach on a flat day when suddenly he heard God speak to him, “You have lived a good life, and have been a blessing to many people, so I am going to grant you one wish. What do you want?”

Without hesitation, the surfer said, “I want you to make a bridge from here all the way to Hawaii, so I can go over there anytime I want, to surf and enjoy the beautiful islands.”

God answered, “That, I cannot do. The undertaking would be too great. The distances are too far, and it could not be done even in ten of your lifetimes.Do you have another request?”

So the surfer thought, “Hmmmm. OK. I want to be a friend to women. I want to understand their moods, their whims, and know how they think.”

God answered, “So, what color do you want that bridge?”


i’d love to surf the cliffs with you guys, but a dawn patrol on saturday would be tough. although, sunday could work…or saturday afternoon. get back to me.

Hope you get a chance to eat at Pizza Port in North County or a Roberto’s #13 carne asada burrito.