do you love it or hate it? I’ve been thinking about putting the sand in mine, but ive never actually talked to someone whos used it. Is it a pain to walk around in? ive heard its much easier to clean up. just wondering what you guys thoughts were on it, its time to replace my floor again and thought it might be cool to try (unless you all say its a bad idea)
Seems like dust could be an issue unless you have some really good clean sand, like some nice coral sand. It probably would be really easy to keep clean.
I think it’d be kinda weird hanging out in a big catbox with turds made of resin though…
I either use the cardboard from the blank shipping box, or roofing tar paper on my floor. Both work great, and you just toss it when you’re done. Sand would get slippery unless you have quite a lot of it.
do you love it or hate it?
hate it!
thanks for the advice, looks like i’ll be using paper again this time.
I did sand twice… I liked it… the first day… a few weeks in i hated it a year in it was a bad mistake…
I thought i could tweak a few things the next time. and make it better. NOPE. still shitty.
You know whats awesome? wet resin combining with sand on your shoes.
30lb roofing paper for me.
Yeah I saw the video. Never made sense to me for all the reasons above. Mineral Roofing in OC. By order of the Fire Dept. 15 and 30 lb. Felt works well until you splash or spill solvent on it. Then the solvent dissolves the Asphalt in the Felt and stains the concrete underneath. If you are a renter you may not be getting your deposit back. Red Rosin paper taped to the concrete at the edges and the seams is the best bet. Use a drip tray under your glassing rack,
some kind of barrier…a cheap plastic coated tarp or sheet plastic works …then throw form dust on that to absorb the resin…get rid of both at once.