can i use polyester sanding coat on a epoxy board?? I find out that the poly flows a lot less than epoxy. The problem is that the layer on the rails is too thin for clean sanding. I have too put 2 layers of sandingcoat and i HATE the long curing time of epoxy. The epoxy is also harder too sand. Anybody had the same experience? Thanks, Geert
can i use polyester sanding coat on a epoxy board?? I find out that the > poly flows a lot less than epoxy. The problem is that the layer on the > rails is too thin for clean sanding. I have too put 2 layers of > sandingcoat and i HATE the long curing time of epoxy. The epoxy is also > harder too sand. Anybody had the same experience?>>> Thanks, Geert …Yes,you can.TAKE some dishsoap and water with a scrunge pad and wash off the oily residue that surfaces on the epoxy lam.You can also do it dry with steel wool.Then coat with polyester like normal.Herb
…Yes,you can.TAKE some dishsoap and water with a scrunge pad and > wash off the oily residue that surfaces on the epoxy lam.You can also do > it dry with steel wool.Then coat with polyester like normal.Herb The guys I saw down in Florida were using denatured alchohol to scrub em down with…seemed to do ok.They build a lot of boards.I think the guy’s name is Steve Forrestal…R.B.