Sanding frenzy

So I patched up all the dings in my step up board. Time for sanding. I bought some sand paper from block surf (60-100-120 grits) and sanded all the resin patches. At first I was having a hard time smoothening everything out. Suddenly, adrenaline kicked in and I just sanded the hell out of all the patches, moving from rough sandpaper to relatively smooth. I’m quite proud of my job since I can hardly feel the patches. Not brand new feel, but pretty close.

Question: Can I sand too much to the point of sanding the fiberglass off?

Some dude at a surf shop said someting like fiberglass becomes paper thin and you can just sand and sand away until it’s smooth.

Yes you can…be careful

Oooh yes you can.

I had a friend who patched his board and sanded through the glass on the out side of the patch…he did not know untill his board was 5lbs heavier.
