Hi speedneedle, Larry here! Burford has Power Pads in stock. Please try contacting him first. If you have any problems let me know and I will handle the matter to get you product. I will contact Burford also because I promised to get deanbo a Power Pad also.
These guys have some great products. They sent some specials to Aus a while back with extra soft foam backing. I managed to pick up a free sample here in UK and it is terrific.
I saved several different bases of sanding pads and now create my own…haven’t bought a pad in quite some time.I realize this might not be viable in the industral setting,but food for thought.
I have it where,what,and right now.I can swap out pad tops,etc in a matter of minutes.
I do miss pulling a new powerpad out of the box, shipped to me by Jerry Mowe,and start grinding down Broadway !!!..nothing like a brand spankin’ new pad,that’s foresure !
But; Power Pad was designed and made by Greg Alexander from Soth Bay Power Tools in Hermosa Beach. Gordie did make a similar pad in the 70’s. Later when Greg retired, Mike Stavros Took over Production of the Power Pad which is not made by 3M. Power Pad is produced today in Torrance out of the same factory as Fibre Glas Fin and ProBox.
Tell Jerry I said Hi and hope all is well with him and his family.