Any of you boat guys ever consider ‘‘square sanding’’ a surfboard before?      I’ve been tempted, but just haven’t gotten around to building the pad.   i suspect that you could only do it on the bottom.     What do you think?    What say you?


Never heard of it, enlighten us plz.

Edge sanding, sweep sanding, flat sanding…I know.

 Square sanding…a square pad or a cube pad, or a 90 degree pad for square rails ?

 Or maybe it’s not for a circular sander ?

 Very interesting.

Always watching your every post Bill.

I don’t think its wortth it; Bill there are too many bottom changes on modern surfboards whereas on a boat your blending large areas together and trying to maximize your sandpaper usage.  I am finding smaller pads and precision touch work well even in a production enviornment.  

i have to agree w/ ratboy on this one.

i prefer a 6" soft/med pad myself.

i do use a automotive airboard at times,



I have and use soft pads ranging from 4 in, 5 in, 6 in, and 8 inches.     Square sanding, as I understand it, can produce a more true surface on compound curves, and surfaces.   I’m curious if it makes it easier and faster.     I can produce a true sanded surface by hard block sanding, no problem.   Always looking for the ‘‘better’’ way.


if that is the case bill,

try an airboard…you’ll like it.


i also use a manual automotive board for shaping…they reduce time of shaping /sanding and produce a cleaner surface.


   I’ll look into it.      Have you switched your superchargers yet?     Let me know.


yes bill,

but i haven’t tried them yet…possibly tomorrow…if weather permits.

got a good ride last night though…just before i left for work… a quake ride!

hey at my age …just about any free ride in king !

i was about 3 or so miles from the center of it .


   I wondered about your proximity to the quake center.     Must have been spooky, eh?


just had another a few hours ago…was upstairs watching the weather channel when it came thru…yesterday’s was 5-4 and today’s was a 4-1.


call me a thrill junkie,

i actually enjoy a quake…i don’t like the fact it destroys or hurts…but i do love the ride !


funny how most things just ride along with it.

i’ve been thru every quake since the big sylmar job in 71(bell,huntington park border).the sylmar was the biggest to date.

i ran out side my backyard porch to witness the telephone poles slapping the ground ,back and forth,and randolph st. pitch and awe 20+ feet in consecutive waves…was one of the most awsome things i have ever seen.

time to go to the park and let the dogs walk me.
