How much do you sand so as not to have a high line before the gloss coat? I guess you shouldn’t brush the resin pin ontoo much, just enough for a clean opaque line?
if your using resin for your pinline , your probally allways going to feel it…thats normal , some people like to feel the line…if you try to sand it till you cant feel it then it will probally be gone,
while sanding my glosscoat I sanded my reasin pin off in one spot.
careful it does not take much to remove it.
if you don’t want to feel the pin, paint or posca instead of reasin.
With a resin pin you are going to have a high spot or “bump”.This is desirable if you are a purist.As for sanding all you rally need to do is cut the shine off.I lightly sand with 150 grit bay hand followed up with orange Scotchbrite to get any shiny spots off.Resin pins are done in gloss resin and it has wax that rises to the surface.If you don’t dull the surface the gloss may seperate. RB
i love feelin’ the pin bump…c’mon, man…that’s just the way it’s supposed to be!!!
Howzit Mr. Clean, You mean we aren't going to tell them how to shot the gloss without sanding the pinline. I never and I repeat never sanded them and I know you know the trick also. Aloha, Kokua
Kokua you mean shooting the gloss right after the pin jells nice and stiff (just after the wax rise)??I use to do that when I shot a dozen boards per day but now I’m a lazy old fart who takes a lot of breaks to “survey the situation”.Besides I hardly ever do a single pin…I like back to backs and triples or quadruples.You do stuff like that when it becomes a hobby and not for money type deal which is my case anymore.I want to do some of the old Surboards Hawaii Resin Fishes like Brummett use to do.Now that was resin art at its finest.Anybody got a picture of one of those boards??? RB
Howzit Mr. Clean OK you're excused, and yeah tha trick won't work on back to backs. Sounds like you are geezer status and I should send you a pair of Geezer surftrunks. What's your trunks size and I'll see if I can get a pair and send them to you. Being a Geezer (I'm one too) opens up many doors that are inaccessable to none geezers. Geezers trunks are one of the surf clothing rep jobs offered to me if I move to the mainland, does help that the owner is a really good friend of mine and gives me free trunks with every board I glass for him. Aloha,Kokua